Friday, March 31, 2006

Cynthia's got a big chocolate chip

The embarrassment of the Georgia people, Cynthia McKinney, has a huge chip on her shoulder. I sure hope an arrest warrant and some time in the pokey will help to knock it off.

Monday, March 27, 2006

The moment of tooth

I've really been stressing over my impending root canal tomorrow but I was ready - sort of. Well, wouldn't you know it - the dental office called this morning to cancel and reschedule my appointment.

I can either wait until April 13th (!!!) or let them schedule me with another dentist who isn't an endodontist but does root canals. Holy crap - let me see......wait another 2 weeks and suffer with an aching tooth and an inability to chew on that side OR go to a dentist who can do root canals but isn't an expert.....hmmmmm

Can you say 'bend over cause either way I'm getting screwed!?!'

I took the later and will hope for the best. No way I can wait another 2 weeks after already waiting for 2 weeks.

I told you this would happen. Remember?

Sunday, March 26, 2006

Microbes - they're what's for dinner

This is going to sound nit-picky but I can't help it! What happened today at the Publix deli is one of my all time pet peeves. Shitty customer service combined with poor work habits.

Ok, so I tote #3 to a friend's to play tennis. Had the notion that a nice, big deli sandwich would be great cause I didn't feel like cooking anything that I had bought at the grocery yesterday. Yeah, I do that a lot. Buy shit even *I* don't want to eat.

There are several places here to get sandwiches but for various reasons, none are to my liking like the ones from Publix. Their bread is superior to all! Unfortunately, the help they have working there sometimes causes me to want to scream and go running from the store! One guy in particular just totally drives me insane. Yeah, he was working today but otherwise occupied.

I breathed a sigh of relief but it was all in vain.

So......I'm heading toward the deli and the guy working there is just standing around. In my mind that means that everything is done and he's ready for the next customer. Um......not exactly.

He asks and I tell him what I want. 2 whole subs on white. THEN he goes to get a paper towel to wipe off the 'fixin' area. Then goes to throw it away. Comes back, gets the knife, takes it TO the paper towels to wipe it off, comes back.

Ok, now we're cracking. He cuts the rolls and asks "mustard and mayo?" to which I said mustard on both; mayo on one. He picks up the mustard squeezy bottle - nothing - it's empty. He then proceeds to open every cabinet door - can't find the mustard so he goes in the back. Still can't find it so he asks totally insane deli guy who points him in the right direction. He comes back with the mega-jar of mustard.

While all that mustard hide-n-seek crap is going on and he's touching everything - he has his GLOVES ON!!! Now, folks, the purpose of the gloves are to ensure that the food you're fixing isn't going to be contaminated by the coughs and sneezes and buggers that others have coated every single surface with! Don't you idiots get that????

I'm ok. Really.

So he gets back to the business of making my fucking sandwiches. He sticks the wiped off knife into the mega-jar, spreads on the mustard but sandwich #2 is to have 'light mustard' so he - get this - wipes off the excess, not on the jar, but on the COUNTER! What a freaking moron!

Next the meat - but guess what? THERE'S NO STINKING ROAST BEEF! He has to go and cut some. I'm still holding on to myself but it's not looking good. Ok, he gets the meat cut but now he's taking the time to be a good little employee and CLEAN THE SLICER. Did he forget that I'm standing there - waiting?

Good lord in Heaven please save me! Thank goodness I'm not bacteriaphobic or I'd have already tossed my cookies, told him to shove that shit up his ass, and left. But I'm maintaining. Barely.

Alrighty then - he finally gets a sandwich finished (after 15 mins of farting around and gathering all the germs he can find onto his gloves) and it's time to cut and wrap. He has the whole sandwich on the clean deli paper but after he cuts it in two, he take one half and PUTS IT ON THE COUNTER! Yes, I know, by now it doesn't really matter what else my sandwich comes into contact with does it? So, I'm still hanging in there.

He does the same thing with sandwich #2. Can't have one sandwich sans microbes while the other is loaded up now can we? I hear ya.

Mercifully, the experience is coming to a close. All he has to do now is to put on the price label.

Sure wish I could say that that went off without a hitch but that's just not the way it works. He had charged me for the 'premium' meat at the 'premium' price. But he's new to that store and they have things in different places. Give me a break - can't he freaking read?

I'll let you know in about 4 hours how good the sandwich was and if it was worth the trouble. It should take about that long before seeing any signs of food poisoning, right?

Saturday, March 25, 2006

What's a dad to do?

A little while ago, 2 boys came to the door looking for #2. Husband answered the door, called for #2, and sat back down to resume his tv viewing. I asked who it was and he said.......hang onto your hat.......he didn't know.

Say what?!

You have 2 guys that you don't know asking to see your daughter and you don't ask who the hell they are and why they want to see her???????? What a moron! The really sad part is that this was about the 3rd time that he's done that.

I'm much more protective than that so I went to find out for myself before she got to the door!

Turns out one of them is a boy that #2 & #3 have known since kindergarten. He's spent quite a bit of time here over the years. So.........why didn't husband know who he was? Could it be that he didn't care to know? Could it be that he has more important things to do than to get to know his children's friends?

Either way - I think it sucks and is more than a little scary.

Guess I'd better make sure I'm here to answer the door when the girls have a date planned. I'm certain that husband would let them leave with just anyone who showed up!

What the hell happened to fathers who answered the door with a shotgun and a questionnaire?

So, what IS normal?

Nothing much new going on today. SOS (same ol' shit). Husband was off yesterday which means that he got up @ 1pm, drooled over his rv books/paperwork, looked at rv stuff online, and then spent the rest of the day on the couch.

He didn't bother to get up or say hello to #2 & #3 when they got home from school. Even though WE were home together all day, we didn't have a conversation. That's normal, though. Oh, wait - he did tell me about the crap for the rv roof and the crap for the rv crapper that we'll have to get. Guess this damn thing is going back into the 'no deal' column again. Every time I turn around I find it's going to cost money. My 5 minutes of being ok with it have long passed.

#1 is causing #2 problems with her friends by bad-mouthing her on the internet. #1 is joining all the blogs of #2's friends. #2 said to her to get her own friends and quit talking to hers. #1 got her nose bent out of shape and things got really nasty. #3 had to step in between them.

I don't get it. Why would a sibling who's 10yrs older feel the need to screw with her sister and her relationship with her friends? Hell, #1 isn't even living in North America!

It's hard to say it but I think #1 is jealous of her sisters. That's what others have told me from their observations of her actions when she's home. 5 months ago when she was home, she did her VERY best to undermine everything that I did while sucking up to husband by becoming his 'smoke-hole' buddy. And they weren't smoking tobacco, if you KWIM! She knows how I feel about that so it was her way of thumbing her nose at me. Breaks my heart to say it but I'm glad #1 won't be home for a while.

Some-time friend, bitch neighbor had called me on Sunday to ask if I would take care of the dog (they stole from our other neighbor) while they were out of town this weekend. Told her I would come over later in the evening but I got stuck late at the grocery store and had to fix dinner when I got home. Told her that I wouldn't be over after all and to call me some time during the week and let me know what to do.

They are leaving in the morning and I haven't heard from her yet. Perhaps I should have called her? Wouldn't surprise me. Probably got pissed that I didn't go out of my way to come over to get the instructions. You know, we always take instructions for our pet to her - not ask her to come get them! Takes a lot of nerve to expect others to be at your beck and call but that's the way she is.

I'm just wondering if she's really ballsy enough to ask the dog's rightful owners to take care of him! Wouldn't that be a hoot?

'I know I stole your dog but I'm going out of town for the weekend - could you come over and feed him?'

As hard as it is to believe - there actually is precedent for that. The neighbor, as far as I know, still has the key to the padlock on the fence where the dog is kept. I've seen him skulking home from their yard at 2 o'clock in the morning while I was out enjoying the solitude of my front porch!

Pretty weird stuff but in all honesty, not the weirdest I've seen.

Years ago we lived in another neighborhood and had borrowed a wheelbarrow from our neighbor. We kept it so long that he would come over and get it, use it, and then return it.

I still laugh my ass off about that!

Thursday, March 23, 2006

Time for Mexico to start eating solid food

Ok, so I'm up late last night listening to Chris Krok on WSB 750. He's our new late night talk radio guy. I don't particularly like him but since he's the only game in town at 1 am, I'm reluctantly listening.

Last night, however, he had some breaking news about an issue that I consider to be a very important one. Illegal immigration - THE largest threat to this country's future.

As you may or may not know, the GA Senate will be voting Friday on a sweeping piece of work aimed at quelling the siphoning off of our resources by illegals.

You can find it here.

According to Krok, the Hispanic radio station, AM 1550, and something called the Alliance for March 17th (the date the bill was passed by the House) has issued a 'call to arms' for all illegals to not show up for their jobs on Friday and to gather/demonstrate at the GA capital.

Now, if you happen to be in that area on Friday, do us all a favor and call the immigration authorities at 866-347-2423. No doubt their phones will be off the hook but it's certainly worth a try.

Sure wish I could be a fly on the wall when V. Fox finally realizes that the US teat is drying up!

Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Is Texas being taken over by Califorians?

Only stuff this stupid can come from California.

God in heaven, please say it ain't so!

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Donny Deutsch's 'The Apprentice'?

I'm a little confused over a few things. I thought the name of the show was Donald Trump's The Apprentice but what the hell does advertising and marketing have to do with Trump? Isn't he supposed to be some sort of real estate guru?

Martha's apprentice show was canceled because 'it just wasn't as good' as The Donald's. Maybe not but at least her contestants did chores that had something to do with the job by were competing for!

Will the next Project Runway focus on the advertising and marketing of the Banana Republic label instead of actually making clothes?

Look, folks, there are more than enough commercials on tv already. We don't need them in hour long shows thinly disguised as reality tv!

Donald, put your wig back on straight and quit pandering to sponsors. Since when did you need to kiss anyone's ass anyway?

Monday, March 20, 2006

How do I love thee?

I was listening to a radio show this morning @ 1 am and the interview was with a guy who had written a book about relationships based on personality types. He said that the main problem in relationships, especially those lasting for decades, came down to personality differences.

Well, duh! Since each person is a combination of their genetics, upbringing, and experiences, no two people are going to be alike. We're not cookie-cutter people, now are we?

I wasn't buying it so I tuned him out for a while.

Years ago I read the Mars/Venus explanation for the differences between men and women. I liked the book but something was missing. Not all men will react to subtle differences in the way we ask questions - like changing the "Can you take out the garbage?" to "Will you take out the garbage?" More importantly, to me as a woman, I knew that telling a man, who really couldn't care less, to engage in 'active listening' was a waste of time. Even I can't fake that with a friend who goes on and on about something that means nothing to me!

Okay, back to the guy last night - he said there were two types of people - 'feelers' and 'thinkers'.

According to him, 'feelers' need to be told, every day, that they are loved. Not that they forget or doubt that they are loved but that is how they gain acknowledgement in a relationship. But in the mind of a 'thinker', the fact that they told you they loved you and are still with you is all that's needed for them. You should know that you are loved because they haven't left. Why constantly say it? Them just being there should be all the proof you need.

In that moment, I understood why I feel so lonely and unappreciated.

After 23 years of marriage, and precious little in the way of expressed emotion, I could use something that says 'I love you' more convincingly than him coming home and stating "The paycheck's been deposited" mere moments before his total immersion into the History Channel for the rest of the evening while ignoring all those around him.

If I were a 'thinker' instead of a 'feeler', all I'd be required to do is to say "Good. Now I can pay the bills." and forego the part where I greet him at the door, ask how his day was, and fix him a plate of food. There's no need for me to go that extra mile to let him know that he's loved and appreciated. He should know that already, right?

Opposites do attract but after a while - it gets to be a pain in the ass!

Sunday, March 19, 2006

Shariah More

I understand and agree with our attack on the Taliban for fostering a terroristic state. Yet, knowing that the US is shoring up a state that would put on trial, and sentence to death, a person who converted to Christianity 16 years ago is not something that makes me feel proud. It certainly doesn't make me feel any safer.

Decide for yourself by reading about it here -

Saturday, March 18, 2006

No matter what you do (or don't allow others to do) - you WILL die

Over at The Anti-Idiotarian Rottweiler, there is an excellent post on the ever-increasing takeover of life as we know it by the CA lawmakers under the guise of 'doing it for the public good'.

Be sure to read the comments, too.

Even if you don't smoke - you should be worried. Let's not allow them to turn Orwell into Nostradamus, ok?

A long, strange trip

Drove an hour today with #2 & #3 to attend the 16th birthday of a friend's son. The kids all grew up in our neighborhood but then they moved to the next state over and built a house. We only see each other during birthdays. It's a nice ride but it's not like an hour drive with traffic and stuff. No, it's a backwoods trek where each road gets progressively worse ending with a rut-filled dirt road. Thank goodness it wasn't raining.

It was one of those unstructured parties where everybody just stands around wondering what to do. Plus the 16 yr old had friends from school who he never really bothered to introduce to my 2 and they were feeling a little awkward and self-conscious.

I got the privilege of hanging with the adults. The entertainment consisted of viewing a video tape of the birthday boy that began with his 4th birthday and the conversation went pretty much like this - "Can you believe how much these kids have grown?" and " Yeah. I'm gonna need a few more loads of dirt to level out the yard. See that part over there? Well, I leveled that out a few months ago."

The younguns were shooting off bottle rockets within inches of the partygoers, sticking bottle rockets into the bonfire, burying bottle rockets in the dirt before lighting them, and running in and out of the house for ice packs to put on their burnt fingers.

The dog hid in his house with each 'POP' of a rocket and the guinea fowl next door were raising holy hell! A good time wasn't exactly how I would describe it but there was something nice about keeping in touch with old friends.

On the way home, I wanted to stop and get a cappuccino. Yes, a gas station version but the best you can get in the boondocks. Station #1 ran out of powder mid-way through filling up the cup and the other 2 options were hot chocolate. And wouldn't you know it - the pot of regular coffee was empty, too. Ok, back on the road!

A few miles down the road, there was a nice looking BP. Big sign, well lit, lots of pumps. Surely THEY had some coffee! Walked in and there in the back was the familiar cappuccino machine. Yee Haw. Now we're in business. They even had the proper cups and lids. Not like the old, white Styrofoam and do-it-yourself, perforated lids of station #1.

I fill up 2 large cups with French Vanilla and go to the cashier. I hand him my debit card because since their invention, I never have cash. He then points to a tiny sign taped to the register that says 'Minimum $5.00 purchase needed for credit card transactions' Well, I told him, it was a DEBIT card, not a credit card. He says no - same thing.

Told him I was sorry but that I didn't have any cash, left the coffees sitting on the counter and turned to leave. He says you have to pay for these! I ignored him, got in my car, and drove off into the night sans caffeine.

In all my life I have never shopped in a convenience store with a minimum purchase. And I ain't gonna start now! They can kiss my ass if they think I'm going to be strong-armed into buying crap I neither want nor need.

Got home and grabbed me a cold one out of the fridge. Who needs coffee when there's beer?

Friday, March 17, 2006

Am I tweaking the nose of Karma?

Yesterday I didn't blog because I was tired from weeks of crappy sleeping, infected molar aka the turn-coat tooth, and an overall feeling of pissiness. Well, ok, that's a normal day for me so I really have no excuse except for laziness.

SOOOO..... I didn't log in this corker! Don't be afraid; read on.

My neighbor of 8 yrs now is also my some-time friend. She thinks of me as more of a friend than I do her because she will go for months and not call, email, or shout at me from across the street. That's not the sign of a 'true' friend, is it? No, I don't think so either. I always have to call her and when I do, I get this tripe - "Well, it's about time you called!" What the crap?

So, anyway, she calls me last night wanting to know if I ever returned her paints and brushes. Now, you need to know this - SHE brought them to MY house and used them. I didn't BORROW them. I have my own, thank you very much.

I told her that, yes, had I returned them in January. She's looking for them while I'm on the phone and we're talking about other things like she can't hang up or she'll never find them because she's really thinking that I am holding them hostage.

In the course of our 'fill-in' convo, I hear about her dreaded family reunion in Nashville and not Shreveport like she wants because Shreveport has gambling and Nashville has, well, nothing. I hear about her husband's dental drama, and the fact that I'll need to feed the dog they slowly and subtly insinuated into their home by feeding it constantly thus making it not want to stay home (next door) thereby giving them the excuse to keep it because "He just wasn't happy over there!".

I sneak in during a pause and tell her that I had finally gotten myself a new stove after 3 yrs of using one with no knobs or oven door handle. The oven had gone out and I put my foot down with husband. Enough is enough! Am I right? Hell, yeah, I'm right!

No sooner had I spoken the words, than she suddenly finds the bag containing the paints and brushes, thus, totally ignoring my new stove good-fortune. No oooo's, no aaaaa's, no questions to show even a feigned interest.

Needless to say - it pissed me off! I, and my new stove, had been dissed! As you can well imagine, that causes evil BB to take over my body and loose the hounds on some-time friend and bitch neighbor.

"Oh", I say to her, "Did I tell you what we're getting?"

She says, "No. What's that?", in that off-handed, I-don't-really-care-now-that-I've-found-my- paints, kind of way.

So I say, "Husband's parents are GIVING him a motor home. Can you believe it?" (Muhahaha)

Well, that got her attention! Suddenly, I've got something to say that she wants to hear. Yeah! She's back in 'friend' mode. I'm worthy of her time again. I can park it in her yard. She won't mind doing that favor since we have nowhere to park it. After all, we're friends, aren't we?

She's going on and on so much about parking it in her yard, I'm starting to think that she's already working on a plan to keep it like she has the neighbor's dog.

I needn't have worried. She just wanted to know if, "We could borrow it to go to Nashville next weekend?"

And people wonder where I get all my negativity. Well, there you go.

Mo' Better News

After having respectfully buried our savagely attacked and eaten duck (see post below for details), husband went about the business of getting insurance and a tag for the dreaded RV. Well, things didn't go quite as planned.

The quote we got from State Farm for the insurance, mysteriously doubled in 2 days. We had given them all the info, our driving records were checked and all there was well, and the quote was $311.00 for the year for full coverage. However, when husband showed up today to finalize the policy, he was told that the insurance would have to be valued as if the vehicle were new thus increasing the rate to $622.00 for the year. Double? WTF, right?

Well , he told them to shove it. Hear! Hear!

That did leave the problem of the tag, however, because you can't get a tag without insurance, you know.

Here we are sitting, thinking "OMG! How much is this damned thing going to end up costing us?!" Some 'gift', eh?

I put on my thinking cap and decided to call our car insurance folks; hoping they would have a better quote than our home-owner's insurance fuckers. And they did! Full coverage, emergency road stuff, all the other bells and whistles you need in order to drive a behemoth motor home, for the low, low price of $369.00 annually.

Ok, now we're shittin' in high cotton! On to get the tag. Which, btw, was also misquoted but in a much nicer way.

Instead of the "I can't tell you for sure but probably in the $200 to $300 range", it was only $89.00 and we won't even have to pay that until tag time next year.

This thing is looking better on the books all the time!

More blue than green this St. Paddy's Day

Husband was about to leave for his out-of-town trip when he noticed something 'off' in the backyard. When he investigated, he discovered a gruesome sight. Our beloved pet duck had been dragged from her pen and eviscerated by what we can only assume was a 'possum.

All that was left of our sweet, sweet duck was a hollowed out carcass.

She would have been 2 years old this April.

She will be missed.

Power to the people!

Mac Johnson, in an article written for Human Events Online, says exactly what I would say if I could collect my thoughts with some cohesivness. Thank you, Mac!

Here's a snippet -

"It is not Xenophobia. It is Xenonausea. People are sick of having the whole world shoved down their throats at once and being told it tastes like ice cream. They are sick of every street corner and parking lot being filled with criminal aliens waiting to work off the books and outside the laws that are applied so enthusiastically to actual Americans. They are sick of pressing “1” for English. They are sick of being at war with foreign terrorists and simultaneously being economically and demographically bound more tightly to the nations producing these terrorists. They are sick of being told that the world is global or flat or smaller or at their doorstep or all coming for dinner on Tuesday."

Read the entire article. You'll be glad you did.

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Deal or No Deal?

Husband's parents are giving him a 30' RV. They're down-sizing. It's a very nice RV. It's also the only thing they've ever given the man in his entire life except for an extremely severe case of low self-esteem. You can imagine his excitement. Me? Not so much.

I think RVs are great for people who will use them and, more importantly, have a place to park them. I guess we'll use it but we have nowhere to park it. Our driveway is already filled with a pickup truck that doesn't run, a van that is used once a year by husband (explained further in the next paragraph), his car, and my mini-van. I'm pretty sure that puts us at capacity. Oh, and it will cost about $600 a year just to own it - tag, taxes, and insurance.

As a family, we take one big vacation per year. Actually, sometimes we skip a year because of work/school schedule conflicts and/or apathy. Husband also takes his own vacation to go camping for 4 days under the guise of spelunking. What he really does is meet with others who sit around, drink beer, and set shit on fire. Well, TAG sets the shit on fire - he just takes pictures of it to show how awesome it was, dude!

Yeah, I don't get it either.

The grand total for both these holidays is about $800 - give or take a souvenir. Some people probably spend that a week on eating out, seeing shows, buying drugs....but for us it's a pretty big amount. However, we can have a really great time, stay in very nice rentals, and do all sorts of fun, 'vacationy' stuff on that meager budget. With the $600 per year, the fuel (it's a diesel), the maintenance, the food, the fun 'vacationy' stuff, and momentos, our vacations will now cost more.

This issue is really bugging me but I don't know if it's because I'm thinking logically about the costs or illogically because his parents just irritate the crap out of me.

I would like to think the ratio is around 50/50 but it's more like 20/80.

Yeah, the fucktards REALLY irritate me.

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Hammer time!

I wanted to get this out before the kids got home. It's hard to think when they're hovering and waiting for me to unass myself from the computer chair.

The past two days have been very peaceful. Inside and out. I know why but it pains me to say it outloud.

My husband of 23 years has been out of town. I've had the bed to myself, the window open to let in the cool night air that he hates, and I've enjoyed every nanosecond of it!

He'll be home some time this evening and I can feel myself tensing already.

You know, we get along fine but we've gotten to the point where we have very little in common any more. I grew up and he didn't. He resents me for that like it's all my fault. What an ass.

I did have an opportunity to assuage my guilt a bit this morning by hammer-smashing a porno DVD that he left in plain site of the kids before he left.

Yep, that felt good.

Didn't even bother me one little bit that the asshat he borrowed it from had written his name on the thing in black marker. Guess he won't be lending my husband any more 'Barely Legal' DVD's, huh?

I'm already looking forward to Friday. He'll be leaving for the weekend. There IS a God!

Something positive

Yeah, I know this blog is supposed to be a place for me to dump all my negativity but I just had to write about this before the truth of it is gone. Oh, that was a bit negative - wasn't it?

Seems that one of our neighbors has been tossed out. Hard to tell, really, if they were or if they just left some things behind.

Anyway, for the past week their driveway has been filled with furniture, wooden shelves, at least one computer monitor, and other things that can't be identified from the road. There has been no activity so I know they're not coming back for the stuff.

Here's the thing - none of it has been looted! I know because I look at it every time I go in and out of the 'hood and everything is exactly as it was when I first saw it.

Makes me proud.

Unexpected gift

I never get flowers but I did today.

I returned home from the dentist to find an FTD box sitting on my porch. My first thought was that they were from afore mentioned dentist as a thank you for sitting patiently for 2 hours to get 2 x-rays, a 5 minute quicky exam, and a referral.

Well, I'm not a morning person so my thinking was a bit out there.

Turns out they were from my #1 child who finds precious little about me that's acceptable. That's an attitude she's adopted just over the past year and for the life of me I can't figure out what caused THAT to happen. My gut tells me that she's just pissed off to find out that I'm right more often than she is. Poor baby.

I should probably call and thank her but I'm not really up to justifying my existence today.

Perhaps I'll just zip her off an email.

Happy Belated Birthday to me ...

Edited to add that I sucked it up and called her to say thanks. Voice mail rocks!

Up the canal without a paddle?

Just as I figured - referred to an endodontist for a root canal. Well, at least I can keep my toothy.

Unfortunately, I have one of those darn PPOs and there are no providers closer than 25 miles. I left a message with the appointment person who was MIA when I called. I sure hope she calls me back with the good news that I can get an appointment before Christmas.

I'll probably have to make a sacrifice to the dental Gods for that one!

Wonder what sort of offering they will find acceptable? The entire contents of my savings account? Well, they can't have that because I'll need it to pay for the crown.

Monday, March 13, 2006

The tooth? You can't handle the tooth!

Ok, tomorrow is the day. Maybe. When going to the dentist you never know if your problem will be taken care of then and there or if you'll be forced to make another appointment or referred to a 'specialist'.

Used to be that any dentist would be one-stop-shopping but now you have to ask, "Do you pull teeth?" Chances are they don't and you'll have to go to a master tooth-puller to get the deed done.

What a crock.

I hate going to dentists because they always ask that damned question - do you ever floss?! I feel so guilty because I really only floss when something gets stuck! Isn't that what floss is for? Plus there is always pain involved. I don't care how much juice they inject into your tender gums, it's gonna hurt like hell!

My molar has been keeping me awake and away from crunchy things for long enough and it must be dealt with - now! The darn thing broke several months ago but other than worrying the heck out of my tongue, it wasn't causing any major problems. Things have escalated and I'll be in the chair tomorrow morning at 9 am.

I'm not happy about it but I am looking forward to eating nachos again.

Putting thoughts into words

Funny that I always have something pithy to say until I sit down to write an email or some other such thing. I think that is because everything seems so huge in importance while in my brain but when it comes to reading it as oppossed to thinking it, it becomes much smaller.

Yeah, sounds like a bunch of hooey to me, too.

Since I'm writing this blog for myself, as a place to get out all the things I want to say but no one else is interested in listening to, I'll just plop it out as it comes to me and not worry if it makes any sense.

I'll feel better for having done it.