Friday, March 17, 2006

Power to the people!

Mac Johnson, in an article written for Human Events Online, says exactly what I would say if I could collect my thoughts with some cohesivness. Thank you, Mac!

Here's a snippet -

"It is not Xenophobia. It is Xenonausea. People are sick of having the whole world shoved down their throats at once and being told it tastes like ice cream. They are sick of every street corner and parking lot being filled with criminal aliens waiting to work off the books and outside the laws that are applied so enthusiastically to actual Americans. They are sick of pressing “1” for English. They are sick of being at war with foreign terrorists and simultaneously being economically and demographically bound more tightly to the nations producing these terrorists. They are sick of being told that the world is global or flat or smaller or at their doorstep or all coming for dinner on Tuesday."

Read the entire article. You'll be glad you did.


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