Sunday, July 30, 2006

The 'Ripley Strategy'

The 'Ripley Strategy' is named for the "Ripley" character played by Sigourney Weaver in the movie 'Aliens.' Ripley is iinterrogated, given her prior experience with the Aliens, as to what she thinks the best course of action is. Her reponse is the most pure of American simplicity..

"Nuke it from orbit; it's the only way to be sure"


Amen, Brother!

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Long live Israel!!!

Some truths in today's world....

1 - Israel is a sovereign state.

2 - Hiz-blah is a terrorist group.

3 - The U.N. is an ineffective waste of time, money, and thought.

4 - Annan is a Jew-hating, idiot.

"I am shocked and deeply distressed by the apparently deliberate targeting by Israeli Defense Forces of a U.N. Observer post in southern Lebanon," Annan said in the statement.

Proof of truth can be found here.

I am so sick of idiots, bastards, and camel-fucking mooslims! What a bunch of asshats! Fuck off and die, already!

May Israel bomb them all into oblivion and then the rest of us can get on with the business of living a meaningful life.

*UPDATE - July 27, 2006*
As usual, the truth will out!

Ambulances have traditionally been used for this purpose by Palestinians, Hamas and Hezbollah and the one destroyed by Israel in Lebanon recently - for which Kofi Annan complained bitterly - was probably carrying or thought to be carrying armed Hezbollah fighters.

*UPDATE* - July 28, 2006
The UN is repairing, for Hiz Blah, roads that Israel has bombed.


The UN - cess pool of Jew-hating, American-hating, terrorist facilitators - needs to exist no more!

Sunday, July 16, 2006

Help, you know I need someone, help.

Well, this week sees me going into week # 4 of amazingly painful sciatia. I don't know how people who have chronic sciatica can function on a daily basis. If this condition doesn't abate, and soon, I'll be borderline suicidal!

Some aspects of my condition have improved - like the fact that I can drive. However, I can't really walk well enough to shop. # 2 and # 3 did the grocery shopping for me this week while I stayed in the car. They did very well getting everything on the list except the ice cream. Very disappointing to find it missing because when you're reduced to sitting in bed all but a couple of hours a day, ice cream does much to boost your mood. Oh well - guess I didn't need it anyway.

Husband is still sleeping in the rv despite me telling him that it's ok to come back to the bedroom. I'm able to sleep on my side now even though I do still wake up with pain every 2 hours and must readjust my position or get up for a bit to 'walk it off'. Every night this week husband has skulked out to the rv with not so much as a look in on me or a good night. He just gets up from the couch and goes out the front door to the Coachmen with no word to anyone. He must be afraid that I'll ask for a helping hand if he pokes his head into the bedroom before retiring. This scenario is why one of my worst fears of getting old is that I'll be totally dependent upon him for my care. No doubt I would be ignored for days on end or totally forgotten and left to lie in my own filth until the stench was too much to be ignored.

Well, he's not the only one to have a problem with my disability. Why is it that when a strong person, like myself, is looked upon with disdain when it becomes necessary for THEM to ask for help? It's always acceptable for others to call upon the strong when THEY need help but to reciprocate - unheard of! You find out very quickly who your friends really are at times like these.

I have heard nothing from STFBN since she tried to inflict more pain on me the night of the 4th. She had offered me a recliner to use while I was unable to sleep in the bed but that was never forthcoming. She had told me to call if I needed anything which of course, I have not. Yet a phone call to check in on me has yet to happen. Perhaps she's afraid, as is husband, that if she were to call, I would ask for a favor. When SHE was home for 6 months after having a car accident, I called at least twice a week and offered to get her supplies or would visit with her for hours if she was feeling especially depressed and in need of company. But I've always been the strong one so it's my place to offer help but not to receive it, right?

A friend did come out of the woodwork, though. Nice surprise that! I got an early morning phone call from someone I've known only for about a year telling me to look on my front porch. There I found fresh veggies from the farmer's market, some goodies for the rv, and 4 pieces of homemade blueberry pound cake. Her act of random kindness and thoughtfulness reduced me to tears! Never would I have thought that anyone would go out of their way to think of me. She had been emailing me, checking up on my condition, but never mentioned that she would actually demonstrate her friendship with a physical act - bringing me sustenance for my soul. True friendship does exist!

Others who know about my currently limited abilities have also been nowhere to be found - or heard from. No phone calls even from # 1 who has called here more than a few times in the past week but only to talk to # 3.

Yes - I'm whining and feeling sorry for myself. Sorry that all those I've cared for and gone out of my way to support and comfort over the years have left me wondering why I ever bothered with any of them.

Such is the human condition I suppose. Like *they* say - never do anything for anyone and expect the same in return. You'll be disappointed every time.


Lead vocal: John


Help, I need somebody,
Help, not just anybody,
Help, you know I need someone, help.

When I was younger, so much younger than today,
I never needed anybody's help in any way.
But now these days are gone, I'm not so self assured,
Now I find I've changed my mind and opened up the doors.

Help me if you can, I'm feeling down
And I do appreciate you being round.
Help me, get my feet back on the ground,
Won't you please, please help me.

And now my life has changed in oh so many ways,
My independence seems to vanish in the haze.
But every now and then I feel so insecure,
I know that I just need you like I've never done before.

Help me if you can, I'm feeling down
And I do appreciate you being round.
Help me, get my feet back on the ground,
Won't you please, please help me.

When I was younger, so much younger than today,
I never needed anybody's help in any way.
But now these daya are gone, I'm not so self assured,
Now I find I've changed my mind and opened up the doors.

Help me if you can, I'm feeling down
And I do appreciate you being round.
Help me, get my feet back on the ground,
Won't you please, please help me, help me, help me, oh.

Monday, July 10, 2006

The terror that is Islam

Like most everyone else, I suppose, I'm sick of hearing Islam being called the religion of peace. There's nothing peaceful about it or those who follow its edicts.

No, not all Muslims are actively engaging in terrorism but by their inaction, they show their support for those of their ilk who do.

In looking around the net for a comprehensive list of Islamic terrorism acts, I came across this list. While it might not be totally comprehensive, it's certainly complete enough to dispel the notion that Muslims are peaceful. Bear in mind while you're perusing the list, these acts occurred during the 2006 calendar year only. Can you imagine how long the list would be if it contained all terror acts for the past decade?

We've really got to do something besides bury our heads in the sand and continue to treat this religion as anything other than what it is - a handbook for terror.

Sunday, July 09, 2006

This year's 4th of July

We hosted the 4th of July festivities as we do every year. But like 2 yrs ago, when I broke my foot, this year saw me injured, in pain, and not quite the hostess with the mostest.

Husband, with the help of # 2 and #3, did a great job of getting things put together. That sure took a load off of me! I greatly appreciated their help and things went rather well.

Only 3 things come to mind that put a damper on the evening. You guessed it - STFBN!

She and her husband came over and brought potato salad and their own chairs. Why? I don't freakin' know! We have plenty of chairs of all types. Oh well - no biggie. I'm only mentioning that b/c of something that happened today but I'll get to that later.

#3 called just as we were sitting down to eat. She had heard the news of Ding Dong in NK launching his little missiles and wanted to find out if she should be worried. We all talked to her and assured her that she, and everyone else, would be fine and to not worry. She's in the far North Atlantic right now so there was very little chance that he would aim anything in that direction. Nothing but Cod fish there anyway.

We didn't have any flags to retire this year so we settled on the front porch to watch the ignition of our stash of illegal fireworks. Oh, my - they were so awesome! I just love the ones with rapport and sparkles that have 20, one after another, colorful bursts. So beautiful it almost makes me cry.

Unfortunately, the very last one overturned after 3 shots and then proceeded to set off the rest toward husband's van, the rv, and the garage. That's the 1st mishap we've ever had but everyone seemed to think it was cool none the less.

During the show, STFBN sat on the step below me and kept leaning back onto the leg that was killing me due to the episode with my back. I kept pushing her off and telling her to please NOT lean back on my leg. Well, she kept damn doing it! When the mishap with the last firework happened, I move up one step in case I was in the line of fire and when I did, her back got whacked on the step because my leg was no longer there!

She proceeded to act as though SHE was injured and proclaimed that I had kicked her. Bullshit! She shouldn't have been leaning on me, again, and if she hadn't been, she wouldn't have hit her back when I moved my leg.

Ok, show's over and everyone is going back to the tables to gather their things to go home. Work tomorrow so no sitting and getting a buzz on. Well, except STFBN who had started drinking WELL before coming over.

My leg was freakin' killing me by this time so I managed to get into the garage and collapse into my rolling office chair which had served me well as wheelchair/walker during the past 2 weeks. All I can say is thank God for that chair or I would have been reduced to crawling to get around!

Here's the part I really don't get - she comes over to give me a hug goodbye and then tries to sit in my lap! OMG! I had to literally push her away before she flopped down on me. She then tries to sit on my lap while facing me like doing it that way would be ok. Again, I had to push her off and back myself up as quickly as possible to get the hell out of harm's way! Her husband is calling her off and wanting to know what the hell she was doing and why. 'Oh, I was just messing with her. I wasn't going to do anything.' BULLSHIT! She was totally prepared to sit her freakin' ass down on me regardless of how much it would hurt!

Fuckin' bitch!

Thankfully he hauled her ass out of there and back home - far away from me! He was in such a hurry to get her home that they left their chairs and cushions.

Someone came to get them today. I don't know who or when b/c they didn't bother to call first. All I know is that they opened the garage, got their stuff, closed the garage, and left.

Perhaps they were too embarrassed to face us?

Yeah, kind of hard to explain away some shit that like.

Saturday, July 08, 2006

What a drag it is getting old.....

It's been 2 weeks of 'mother's little helper' for me, folks. My decades of relative good health have come to a screeching halt. I now rely on drugs and favors from friends and family.

I had come to terms with rv ownership being foisted upon me and decided that I should just give in and enjoy. In order to do that, though, I would have to do little projects to make the thing my own. I would clean, rearrange the cabinets, put down new rugs, and change the bedding to something more in line with my taste.

Things were going well and I was actually getting giddy at the thought of taking the thing out on the road as it now felt more like mine and not 'theirs'.

Changing the linens, I bent over to gather them into a ball. I stood up with them in my arms, ready to transfer to the laundry area for cleaning. That's when it happened. Something in my back 'grabbed'. The pain of it left me unable to catch my breath for a few minutes and with a pain that radiated from the bottom left side of my spine all the way down my leg.

I had strained my back or, worse, herniated a disc. Great. The rv had gotten revenge on me for not wanting it and calling it bad names. Karma had come around as it always does.

Trip to the doc - x-rays taken (revealing the presence of gallstones)- prescriptions filled - 2 weeks later and I still cannot stand upright and walk at the same time. The pain isn't any better. I'm stuck in the house, with the kids, having to ask for food and ice. I'm a miserable wretch; sleeping off the meds and using my office chair as a walker to get back and forth to the bathroom.

4 to 6 weeks to recover and for normalcy to return is what I've been told. Be patient and take it easy is the mantra everyone is chanting these days. My plants are dying because no one is watering them and husband's willingness to comfort and offer me sympathy has past with the coming of week # 2.

I guess I'm being selfish for having it drag on this long.

What a bitch I am for needing his assistance.

Never mind. He's already gone back to ignoring me and spending quality, one on one, time with his herbage in the solitude of the rv.

Who didn't know that would happen?


Thursday, July 06, 2006

Sen. Robert C. Byrd - June's Porker of the Month

Washington, D.C. Citizens Against Government Waste (CAGW) today named Sen. Robert Byrd (D-W. Va.) Porker of the Month for his legacy as the “King of Pork.” Mr. Byrd today becomes the longest-serving Senator in U.S. history.

Sen. Byrd has sat on the Appropriations Committee since 1959, his first year in the Senate. He is former chairman and currently Ranking Member. CAGW began tracking federal pork with its Pig Book in 1991. Since 1991, West Virginia has received $2.95 billion in pork. Projects added in the Senate (those most likely attributed to Sen. Byrd) total $1.2 billion. The state has ranked in the top 4 in pork per capita every year since 2001. CAGW dubbed him the “King of Pork” in 1999 when West Virginia became the first state to garner $1 billion in pork in the collective Pig Book database.

CAGW’s “Byrd Droppings” has chronicled 33 projects in West Virginia named after Sen. Byrd, including the Robert C. Byrd Green Bank Telescope, the Robert C. Byrd Highway, and the Robert C. Byrd Hardwood Technologies Center. Federal law prohibits the naming of federal structures after sitting members of Congress. Sen. Tom Coburn (R-Okla.) calls the practice a violation of campaign finance laws because it is “the equivalent of a government payment for a campaign billboard.”

Read the entire article here