Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Sadr has left Iraq and now in Iran

Sadr's departure was first reported by the ABC News network which said he had fled to Iran because of fears that he might be targeted by U.S. bombs and worries over his safety because of a fracturing within his organization.

Wow! No kidding? Now, what was it the Dems said about the troop surge? Let me think.....

“What we need to do is to de-escalate, not escalate, and move towards an orderly redeployment of American troops.” Tom Lantos (D)

“A better course than the escalation would be to quickly transition U.S. troops from a combat mission to a training mission,” Nancy Pelosi (D)

Hey, I've got an idea you bunch of idiots - STFU!

Monday, February 12, 2007

Totally, TMI

Even though no one reads this blog, this is still a VERY difficult post for me to make. I'm usually pretty honest in my dealings with people. Friends, family, etc. However, I do hold back a bunch of stuff because it's either not important in the long run or simply TMI.

This post falls into the TMI category. For the record, I will be alternately ralphing and telling myself NOT to do this while I totally do this. I have to tell someone and I can't bring myself to speak it. So, here goes.......

For many months now, the kids have said that it "smells funny down here" referring to the downstairs. The downstairs is comprised of our bedroom, a half-bath, and a large family room area where husband's computer and a pool table are, among other things.

So, as you can imagine, it would be difficult to put your finger on where a vague odor of some sort was coming from, right? For a while, I thought it was coming from our bedroom but I looked everywhere in there (or so I thought) and found nothing!

This evening, #2 and I were in my bedroom watching tv. I was on the bed enjoying the comforts of a heating pad on my back and she was in a chair to the right of me. She thought she saw something drop from the ceiling to the floor on the opposite side of the bed. I turned on the overhead light to take a look. At first I didn't see anything but then I looked behind the night stand on husband's side of the bed and there it was - a freakin' palmetto bug. I hate those damn things. They fly, you know!

She hands me the bug swatter that I keep on hand for just such an occasion - bug killing - and I attempt to get it. Unfortunately, the night stand is too close to the wall to be able to use the swatter so I have to pull it out. Now, at this point, #2 is back in her chair, thank goodness!, and she can't see what I see.

Here's what I see - OMG, I can't believe I'm going to write this!

Underneath husband's night stand there are several, I'd say between 8 & 10 small wash rags and a homemade cylindrical object obviously used for masturbating. The rags which were once unused and snow white (they're actually from a pack of 'hand towels' that the airlines warm up and moisten for passengers in 1st class) are now an odd shade of brown.

I'm not stupid so I can easily put 2 & 2 together to figure out that husband has been using whatever this thing is to jerk off and has deposited his 'residue' onto the rags and stuffed them under his night stand!

Well, I think the odor mystery has been solved!

I'm now quite disgusted and don't want to talk about it any more.

Friday, February 09, 2007

Careful what you wish for

Life is confusing. People are confusing. I'm confused.

There have been a few things that we've needed/wanted to do for a while. Nothing ground-breaking or earth-shattering, just updatey, maintenancey things. Things like join the rest of the world and switch from Win 98 to XP and network our 2 computers so that the 4 of us don't have to fight over 1 computer hooked to the internet.

You wouldn't think that either of those things would make your life go to shit, would you? Well, you'd be wrong!

First - the upgrade.

Being only semi-computer literate, we left that to someone who knows about these things - P's husband. This is what he does. We trust him. Ok. Go for it!

He proceeds to load the upgrade onto my 2 gig hd only to find that there's not enough room. So he takes the new 40 gig hd from husband's computer puts it in as the main drive on my machine and uses the 2 gig as a slave because it has all my programs and saved files. We can transfer them over, he says. No problem. However, for some reason, he doesn't load XP onto the new hd. He, instead, loads XP Pro - a bigger, albeit more stable, OS. Initially, it's kind of cool to have a 'work station' for everyone complete with their own log in, preferences, programs, etc. Unfortunately, memory was never discussed. There's not enough of it! Darn thing is now out of available memory as soon as it's booted up and the CPU is running at 100%! OMG What a freakin' nightmare!!! Also, as of 2 days ago, when loading IE to access the internet - the best thing about having the internet is being able to use it, right? - the interface pops up but then sits there for 3 minutes (not exaggerating here!) before it's able to connect. Now, this is not a modem problem and I'll tell you why. Once IE has connected, you're good to go UNLESS you click on a pic or link that opens another window. Same thing happens. The newly opened window sits there for 3 minutes before the info is loaded in. This makes it impossible to play games on Yahoo or MSN because these are 'pop up window' games. Not to mention the fact that if you want to have 2 web sites opened at the same time, you're going to be on the computer forever and chances are that since you're taxing the CPU, the darn thing will freeze up and windows will shut down.

Well, that's where my machine is at the moment. I'm so frustrated with it that I just can't deal with it any more. I'm taking a break to let myself calm down a bit.

Ok, on to husband's computer!

It's downstairs, we finally (thanks to P's husband) have it networked with my machine. Internet access for all! Yippee!!! His machine gets XP - not XP Pro - and is working all mahvelous like. The only thing now is that it suddenly belongs to husband for his exclusive use. It's HIS computer in HIS space. He sits down there for hours and smokes like a smoke producing factory and when you open the door to go down there, it hits you in the face like a damn wall! You can't see or breathe. Our bedroom is downstairs for heaven's sake!!!

Then it's all like "who's been on my computer?" "every time you kids touch a computer is gets trashed!" Now, this is NOT true but it is a darn good excuse to yell and have a shit-fit while making it abundantly clear that NO ONE is supposed to be using HIS computer! Holy freakin' crap!!!!!

I have never so hated anything that I loved as much as I do a computer.

Hot damn and hallelujah!

The 3 officers responsible for the death of Kathryn Johnston are being indicted for felony murder. This makes me happy. :)

Monday, February 05, 2007

How do YOU use candles?

I never knew that there could be SO many uses for candles!

I know that candles can be used for light - as when your electricity is out due to bad weather.

I know that candles can be used to set a mood - as when you're in a romantic frame of mind.

I also know that candles can be used as a decorating/staging device - as when you have an empty shelf or table that's just crying out for something!

BUT I didn't know that they can also be used as a waste receptacle?

Or as an ashtray?

Sunday, February 04, 2007

January Porker of the Month

CAGW Names 7 Freshmen Senators Who Voted to Kill DeMint Earmark Amendment Porkers of the Month

Sherrod Brown (D-Ohio)

Ben Cardin (D-Md.)
email: cardin.senate.gov/contact.cfm

Bob Casey (D-Pa.)
email: casey.senate.gov/contact.cfm

Amy Klobuchar (D-Minn.)
email: klobuchar.senate.gov/contact.cfm

Claire McCaskill (D-Mo.)
email: mccaskilltransition@mccaskill.senate.gov

Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.)
email: sanders.senate.gov/comments/

Sheldon Whitehouse (D-R.I.)

Corruption played a pivotal role in the 2006 elections, and the 110th Congress has a clear mandate for ethics reform and fiscal restraint. The secrecy of earmarks encourages widespread waste and abuse. Former Rep. Randy “Duke” Cunningham (R-Calif.) is in jail for taking bribes in exchange for earmarks while other members of Congress are being investigated for allegedly profiting from earmarks or directing earmarks to campaign contributors, including House Appropriations Committee Ranking Member Rep. Jerry Lewis (R-Calif.) and Commerce, Justice, Science, and Related Agencies Subcommittee Chairman Alan Mollohan (D-W.Va.). In fiscal 2006, pork-barrel spending ballooned to 9,963 projects costing a record $29 billion, as documented by CAGW’s Congressional Pig Book. Projects included $1,000,000 for the Waterfree Urinal Conservation Initiative and $500,000 for the Sparta Teapot Museum in Sparta, N.C.

We've finally upgraded from Win 98 to XP and I can't find a damn thing on my computer anymore! All the file names have changed and you have to jump through a million hoops to find stuff that was easy to find before the upgrade. I'm hoping to find my little porker pic soon!

I found my pic and relocated it to a far more simple place so I could find it again in the future. I hope.

I'm back!

Unfortunately, I never went anywhere.

Blogger was being a booger and wouldn't let me log on to post. Must have been the massive switch-over by those whose deadline was up to change from old blogger to New blogger.

Anyway, nothing much has been going on.