Monday, July 10, 2006

The terror that is Islam

Like most everyone else, I suppose, I'm sick of hearing Islam being called the religion of peace. There's nothing peaceful about it or those who follow its edicts.

No, not all Muslims are actively engaging in terrorism but by their inaction, they show their support for those of their ilk who do.

In looking around the net for a comprehensive list of Islamic terrorism acts, I came across this list. While it might not be totally comprehensive, it's certainly complete enough to dispel the notion that Muslims are peaceful. Bear in mind while you're perusing the list, these acts occurred during the 2006 calendar year only. Can you imagine how long the list would be if it contained all terror acts for the past decade?

We've really got to do something besides bury our heads in the sand and continue to treat this religion as anything other than what it is - a handbook for terror.


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