Friday, June 16, 2006

The true Haditha

Michael Savage and Michelle Malkin call them the Pendleton 8.

I call them scapegoats of a pussified government. OUR government!

We are in a war.

Sometimes in war, innocents are killed.

However, there is nothing about Haditha that is innocent!

DVDs of beheadings on the bridge are distributed free in the souk. Children prefer them to cartoons. "They should not watch such things," said one grandfather, but parents appeared not to object.

One DVD features a young, blond muscular man who had been disembowelled. He was said to have been a member of a six-strong US sniper team ambushed and killed on August 1. Residents said he had been paraded in town before being executed.

Further into the article, this is found...

The constitution talks, the referendum due in October, the election due in December: all are deemed collaboration punishable by death. The task now is to bleed the Americans and destabilise the government. Some call that nihilism. Haditha calls it the future.

A plague upon the houses of all who call for an investigation into this so-called 'massacre'. You are but a rotting pile of offal! The Left-winged nut jobs (Murtha) and the MSM (crack ho's of the Left) are doing nothing but playing into the hands of terrorists who are spewing propaganda and stagging the killings of 'innocents'.

When you read the article, note the date - August 22, 2005. Mere months before the November 19th 'massacre' was said to have occurred.

I'm sorry but these trumped up charges just don't pass the sniff test when you see the true Haditha for what it is.

Oh yes, something here certainly stinks but it's not the actions of OUR men in uniform!


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