Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Long live Israel!!!

Some truths in today's world....

1 - Israel is a sovereign state.

2 - Hiz-blah is a terrorist group.

3 - The U.N. is an ineffective waste of time, money, and thought.

4 - Annan is a Jew-hating, idiot.

"I am shocked and deeply distressed by the apparently deliberate targeting by Israeli Defense Forces of a U.N. Observer post in southern Lebanon," Annan said in the statement.

Proof of truth can be found here.

I am so sick of idiots, bastards, and camel-fucking mooslims! What a bunch of asshats! Fuck off and die, already!

May Israel bomb them all into oblivion and then the rest of us can get on with the business of living a meaningful life.

*UPDATE - July 27, 2006*
As usual, the truth will out!

Ambulances have traditionally been used for this purpose by Palestinians, Hamas and Hezbollah and the one destroyed by Israel in Lebanon recently - for which Kofi Annan complained bitterly - was probably carrying or thought to be carrying armed Hezbollah fighters.

*UPDATE* - July 28, 2006
The UN is repairing, for Hiz Blah, roads that Israel has bombed.


The UN - cess pool of Jew-hating, American-hating, terrorist facilitators - needs to exist no more!


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