Friday, March 17, 2006

Mo' Better News

After having respectfully buried our savagely attacked and eaten duck (see post below for details), husband went about the business of getting insurance and a tag for the dreaded RV. Well, things didn't go quite as planned.

The quote we got from State Farm for the insurance, mysteriously doubled in 2 days. We had given them all the info, our driving records were checked and all there was well, and the quote was $311.00 for the year for full coverage. However, when husband showed up today to finalize the policy, he was told that the insurance would have to be valued as if the vehicle were new thus increasing the rate to $622.00 for the year. Double? WTF, right?

Well , he told them to shove it. Hear! Hear!

That did leave the problem of the tag, however, because you can't get a tag without insurance, you know.

Here we are sitting, thinking "OMG! How much is this damned thing going to end up costing us?!" Some 'gift', eh?

I put on my thinking cap and decided to call our car insurance folks; hoping they would have a better quote than our home-owner's insurance fuckers. And they did! Full coverage, emergency road stuff, all the other bells and whistles you need in order to drive a behemoth motor home, for the low, low price of $369.00 annually.

Ok, now we're shittin' in high cotton! On to get the tag. Which, btw, was also misquoted but in a much nicer way.

Instead of the "I can't tell you for sure but probably in the $200 to $300 range", it was only $89.00 and we won't even have to pay that until tag time next year.

This thing is looking better on the books all the time!


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