Letters from a sister/daughter
In looking for the letter file today, I came across another letter #2 had written to her sister. I don't know what, if anything, she ever did with this letter. Until today, I had no idea that it even existed.
Letter to Dad -
I know you really don’t care about how you live your life but there are three other people living with you. There is so much stuff that needs to be done around here that it’s not even funny. This isn’t a “daddy do list”, it’s just a letter I thought I should write you.
I don’t mind a bug or two but they are getting out of hand now! Bombing the house is not going to fix the problem either. There just going to come back after a few weeks, what needs to be done to control them is fixing the side of the house and blocking the bird holes. Fixing the side of the house will keep bugs out and keep the heat in the house.
The RV is a waste of money that we do not have. If we had the money for it then yeah it would be great but we don’t. If you sold it now we would have enough money to fix everything that needs to be done to the house and the cars and you could probably even get a new car for your self. Your parents only gave that thing to you so they wouldn’t feel guilty about how they treated you. They’re not going to give you any of there millions of dollars for keeping it kept up and in your position; they don’t care what you do with it. No one cares about that RV but you! Not your cave friends no one, there’s no reason to show it off to everyone because its not that great, all it is is a piece of money eating trash.
It is so hard to respect someone who doesn’t care about his own family. Its one thing to put your self at risk but when you put your family at risk of losing there home or there health is lower then low. You don’t love us; you only love your self and your stuff. You make me and (#3) feel like you never wanted us in the first place. If you did care about anyone but your self you wouldn’t have let this house go to crap and you wouldn’t spend so much of the money on the cave-in, the RV, drugs or whatever. I don’t respect you and I never will if you keep doing what your doing.
Just because you work at a plant doesn’t mean that’s your only job. You have a job as a father and husband to. You don’t make enough money where you work to just be able to lie around on your free time. You need to get at least one day of over time every week so your house can be fixed and your family can get things they need and go to the doctors. It wont be that much trouble for to do that and plus you wont have to be around us as much!
There is so much more I could bring up but I know you probably haven’t even read this whole letter so I’m not going to even bother.
Your daughter,
Letter to sister -
One of those things is disrespect my mom!
(#3) is just so rude to Mom it makes me want to punch her! My mom does so much for us and try’s to do what she can to give us what we want and my sister doesn’t see all the good she does for us.
Yes mom gripes about everything but your just suppose to agree with her and shut up! Not tell her that you don’t care and tell her to shut up! And when she bitches at you for nothing you don’t scream at her and slam the doors! Just sit there and shut the fuck up!
When Mom is nice enough to make food for the family eat it! I don’t care if you a everything in the fridge or not! Don’t go telling her that you don’t want what she cooked and eat something else that’s just rude! Even if it tastes bad eat it and say its yummy!
Mom disserves to be treated better then she does by her family, seems like I’m the only one in the fucking house that cares about her feelings and what she has to deal with.
It makes me so angry to see how (#3) and Dad treat her, like she is nothing and is just there to get in the way.
(#3) she gave birth to your stupid sorry ass you shouldn’t treat her like she doesn’t do anything for you, cause she does everything for you to make you happy!
And Dad you’re just an asshole, die.