Shit, more shit, and even more shit
One more day and the Thanksgiving weekend will be officially over. Sounds good to me. Oh, we ate good - everything turned out perfectly - but it's just been a weird few days. Mostly because husband has been home on a longer than usual weekend break.
#2 worked on Friday from 5 to 10pm. #3 worked Fri, Sat, and is due to work again tomorrow. More of the split shift shit! I'm getting really tired of spending every single Sat and Sun doing nothing but taking her to one place for 2 hours, picking her up, and taking her to another place for 2 hours only to bring her home for an hour and then taking her back for a 4 hour shift ending at 10pm. That's my whole damn day!!!!!! Plus, now that #2 is in the job mix....I have no life - less than before if you can believe it - and my weekends SUCK!
One bright note, though - at least I CAN drive.
Why do I bring that up, you ask? Well, STFBN caught me when I logged into my chat the other night and instead of ignoring me, like she usually does, she actually pinged me. In that moment, without her saying anything but "is that you?", I knew there was something going on with HER that she wanted to talk about. It took me a good minute - a real minute - to answer her b/c I didn't want her asking me for any favors! She didn't but she would. Keep reading.
It seems that unlike every other married woman, she never changed her SS card to reflect her married name. She's on her 3rd marriage or is it her 4th...I can't remember...and her SS card is still in her maiden name. What a dumbass.
Wellllll....Homeland Security is doing this awesome new thing - targeting women to see if their SS name matches their driver's license name. Ain't it grand? All these damn undocumented workers lined up on every fucking street corner and no one ever bothers them but YOU, a natural born citizen, married, working a job, paying your taxes, and buying your own home, YOU are targeted! What prize do you get? Well, you get your license suspended, a $200 reinstatement fee, and the hassle of getting it all straightened out and of course the best prize of all...lost time from work b/c you can't fucking drive!!!!!
This country has gone to shit and it's totally just pissing me off. I don't really care about STFBN - she should have taken care of that a LONG time ago - but I do care about who's being targeted and the fact that no notices are being sent out that would allow a person to fix the situation before having their license suspended and incurring a damn fee. Who the hell has an extra $200 just laying around that they don't need? Nobody I know!
Here's one woman's story about her experiences when she was arrested AFTER she thought she had squared things with SS and DMV.
Here's another example of this bullshit.
This opinion expresses my feelings on this much better than I ever could. Give it a read.
If I keep finding stories like these, I'll have to make a new post dedicated to this subject!
Ok, rant over. Back to also turns out her husband's daughter is pregnant. She's 23, unemployed, living at home, and the father is a loser but she's keeping the baby, will continue to live at home, and not getting married because she can do it on her own. Um, doing it on your own means working, paying bills, and providing your own food and shelter. What a loser.
Found out all this about 5 days ago. Haven't heard anything from her since. Until today. While I was either taking or picking up #3 from work, either she or her husband called and needed a favor. Told you that was coming, didn't I? They had put their car in the shop for scheduled maintenance (before they found out about the driver's license thing) and since STFBN can't drive - they needed someone to go with them to drive it home. I'm so glad I wasn't home. I'm out of the doing-favors-for-people-who-shit-on-me business.
Got another grand day of driving around scheduled for tomorrow so I'm closing up this post and grabbing myself a beer.
#2 worked on Friday from 5 to 10pm. #3 worked Fri, Sat, and is due to work again tomorrow. More of the split shift shit! I'm getting really tired of spending every single Sat and Sun doing nothing but taking her to one place for 2 hours, picking her up, and taking her to another place for 2 hours only to bring her home for an hour and then taking her back for a 4 hour shift ending at 10pm. That's my whole damn day!!!!!! Plus, now that #2 is in the job mix....I have no life - less than before if you can believe it - and my weekends SUCK!
One bright note, though - at least I CAN drive.
Why do I bring that up, you ask? Well, STFBN caught me when I logged into my chat the other night and instead of ignoring me, like she usually does, she actually pinged me. In that moment, without her saying anything but "is that you?", I knew there was something going on with HER that she wanted to talk about. It took me a good minute - a real minute - to answer her b/c I didn't want her asking me for any favors! She didn't but she would. Keep reading.
It seems that unlike every other married woman, she never changed her SS card to reflect her married name. She's on her 3rd marriage or is it her 4th...I can't remember...and her SS card is still in her maiden name. What a dumbass.
Wellllll....Homeland Security is doing this awesome new thing - targeting women to see if their SS name matches their driver's license name. Ain't it grand? All these damn undocumented workers lined up on every fucking street corner and no one ever bothers them but YOU, a natural born citizen, married, working a job, paying your taxes, and buying your own home, YOU are targeted! What prize do you get? Well, you get your license suspended, a $200 reinstatement fee, and the hassle of getting it all straightened out and of course the best prize of all...lost time from work b/c you can't fucking drive!!!!!
This country has gone to shit and it's totally just pissing me off. I don't really care about STFBN - she should have taken care of that a LONG time ago - but I do care about who's being targeted and the fact that no notices are being sent out that would allow a person to fix the situation before having their license suspended and incurring a damn fee. Who the hell has an extra $200 just laying around that they don't need? Nobody I know!
Here's one woman's story about her experiences when she was arrested AFTER she thought she had squared things with SS and DMV.
Here's another example of this bullshit.
This opinion expresses my feelings on this much better than I ever could. Give it a read.
If I keep finding stories like these, I'll have to make a new post dedicated to this subject!
Ok, rant over. Back to also turns out her husband's daughter is pregnant. She's 23, unemployed, living at home, and the father is a loser but she's keeping the baby, will continue to live at home, and not getting married because she can do it on her own. Um, doing it on your own means working, paying bills, and providing your own food and shelter. What a loser.
Found out all this about 5 days ago. Haven't heard anything from her since. Until today. While I was either taking or picking up #3 from work, either she or her husband called and needed a favor. Told you that was coming, didn't I? They had put their car in the shop for scheduled maintenance (before they found out about the driver's license thing) and since STFBN can't drive - they needed someone to go with them to drive it home. I'm so glad I wasn't home. I'm out of the doing-favors-for-people-who-shit-on-me business.
Got another grand day of driving around scheduled for tomorrow so I'm closing up this post and grabbing myself a beer.
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