Saturday, November 18, 2006

My week in review

I don't even know what to say except that I've almost made it through another week. Two more days to go - to make it official.

Nothing particularly good happened. Nothing particularly bad happened. Same o', same o' as the saying goes.

1/ #2 & #3 turned 17 on Wednesday. The same day that it rained so hard and so much that I felt like I lived on an island! I don't know if that means anything...just saying.

2/ #1 got an estimate to fix her 'dented front bumper' and found that there was more damage than meets the eye. $3200 dollars worth to be exact. Plus, she finally found a parking space to rent but the idiot woman renting the space wants 'to be fair to everyone' so she wants to share the space between 2 people. Unfortunately, #1 works odd hours and has rotating days off - totally not 'share' doable. She offered the woman DOUBLE what she asked and she still insists that 'it wouldn't be fair to others looking for a space'. OMG! What a God-complex this woman has! Does she honestly think that her purpose in life is to solve the parking issues of everyone in town? Holy crap what a bunch of crap!!!!!!

3/ Speaking of #1, her closing on the house across the street is due to take place sometime during the 1st week of December. My plan is to go back home with her after the closing for a week of sun, beach, sea food, and relaxation. Let's see, just for shits and grins, what will be in my bank account after 2 birthdays, car insurance that's due on the 1st, bills, food, and various bullshit maintenance needs for the RV........................*chirping crickets*, that would be er...nothing. However, I WILL get that ticket for my trip to Hawaii whether or not there's anything left over for Christmas. Christmas is such a bitch here anyway that I just totally don't even fucking care! BUT it would be nice that if, for once, I could do something *I* wanted to do without the guilt of the world being heaped upon my hunched over shoulders. What a fucking curse I've got!

There's more but it's late and my brain is dead. Will try to finish up some time over the weekend.


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