Monday, November 06, 2006

Kids and how they enrich your life

Kid # 1 - Hit a parked car and left the scene - hypothetically! On top of that, she's continually getting parking tickets. $35 a pop. Then her car was towed after the 3rd offence of parking next to a fire hydrant. $130 tow fee plus the $35 ticket. Her roommate is taken back and forth to work by her boyfriend and rarely uses her own car but she parks in the only space for the apartment because her name is on the lease. I know it sounds odd that each apartment is only assigned one space but when parking is at a premium, that's all you get. So, #1, who doesn't get off work until 11pm, has to drive around and find any available spot and go for it. She's so stressed out right now that she has a pinched nerve that's rendered her right arm and hand numb. I'm trying to find her a paid spot on Craigslist but nothing so far.

Kid #2 - This is the child that I rarely have problems with. I totally LOVE her for that! Yet, she's not perfect. Bummer. I get up at 7am on Saturday to take #3 to work. She wasn't up. I used the intercom on the phone to page her. No answer. Hmmm....I'll make coffee and try again. A few minutes later, I page her again. #3 answers the page from #2's room - seems they had inadvertently exchanged phones. But why hadn't #2 answered the phone with the appropriate snotty attitude since it had been ringing off the freakin' hook? Well, because she wasn't IN her room! Hell, she wasn't even home! I even looked in the RV - she could have gotten a wild hair and spent the night out there with the dog. Well, she could have! She didn't. So, where the fuck was she????? I don't have time to panic b/c I have to get #3 to work at 8 so I call husband on the chance that he had taken her to a friend's house on his way to work. Of course he doesn't answer the phone so I leave a message. I get home at 8:30 - #2 is home. On the computer. Acting all calm. I say "Where the hell have you been?" "In my room", she says. I call BULLSHIT at which point she admits to leaving at 3am (five minutes after I had gone to bed) and walked to a friend's house to hang out and that she had just now gotten home. Oh, yeah, I'm lovin' life right now. NOT!

Kid #3 - I got a recorded message today from the school informing me that "Your child was not in school today." Oh, that's just fucking great! She's been getting a ride to school this year from a friend. A guy friend. Kill me now! When asked if she had gone to school she gets all nasally disjointed - like I had no right to even ask about such things. She then proceeds to tell me that her ride needed to get gas this morning and that they got there half-way through 1st period. Considering that the classes are 90 mins long, that's 45 minutes late! Combine that with the fact that she leaves the house an hour before school starts and it takes a whole 10 minutes to get there from here. Um, sumpin ain't jiving. Guess I'll call the school on Wednesday to find out. Election day tomorrow - no school. Can you buy a gun on election day? I'll have to find out.

All I can say right now is - oh, how my parents must have hated me!


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