Thursday, October 26, 2006

Chained in Hell

Let's see....what's been going on.....

#1 won the bid on the house across the street. Unfortunately, HUD says it'll be ready to close sometime in the next...oh...45 days! Well, the government's never one to do things hasitly, right? In the mean time, people are still looking at the house; traipsing in and out at their leisure. AND it's sitting there empty - no electricity - asking to be vandalized more than it already has been. So far it's just been weird, freaky shit painted on the walls of one of the bedrooms but don't vandals usually escallate their fun by punching holes in walls and ripping out fixtures and such? Guess I'll just have to keep an eye out and my fingers crossed.

Took #2 to the mall yesterday to put in a few job apps. She did one at a clothing shop and one at a shoe store - both places that she and #3 do their shopping. She tried Borders but their apps are online. I suggested Hot Topic but she reminded me that they don't hire unless you have a drivers liscence and can drive yourself back and forth to work. Drat!

While she was trying to get a job, I was at the Sprint kiosk upgrading husband's cell phone. He had forgotten it that morning so I figured to kill two birds with one stone and do that while waiting for #2. HOLY CRAP! It was like pulling hen's teeth! Took over an hour and then when it was all over and done with, the little fucktard 'helping' me allowed me to stand there, thinking there was more to do, until I asked, "What's left to do?" to which he says, "Oh. You can go." All the while still on the phone as he had been during the entire process!!!!! I never got - sorry for the inconvenience - sorry for taking so long - thanks for using Sprint - thanks for your patience - have a nice day - fuck you bitch you can kiss my ass! NOTHING! Just "Oh. You can go." WTF???? Plus, I thought I was getting a camera phone but when we got home and #2 attempted to show me how to take a damn picture, we discovered .... no fucking camera!!!!! OMG!

Told husband about the experience and the missing camera to which he replied, "Well, thanks for getting the phone." FUCK YOU, ASSHOLE!

After the Sprint shit - took #2 to get bra fitted at Parisian. Unfortunately, they don't sell size 28D bras. Yes, you read that correctly - 28 fuckin' D!

The whole damn mall experience was a nightmare. Much like every other day of my life lately. Bullshit heaped upon bullshit. I'm changing my name to Sisyphus.


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