Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Hold up the mirror and take a good, hard look at yourself

Let me just state for the record that yes, I am a reactionary. I am also far too trusting of those I know and will generally take their word as gospel. Hence, my mea culpa to aforementioned fat cow - mother of the boy who was assaulted by #3.

She finally called me last night and the truth of the situation has come out.

Here's how it all went down (version #2)-

1/ boy A - tells boy B that #3 sucks on the guitar and that he wants her out of the band
2/ boy B - goes to #3, tells her this, and then dares her to punch boy A
3/ #3 - punches boy A
4/ boy A's mother - goes to school, tells them what happened, asks if the police must get involved and that if so, she doesn't want to go any further and doesn't want to issue a complaint
5/ school - no, the police do not have to be involved
6/ boy A's mother - asks that #3 be given ISS to impress upon her the fact that she should not be assaulting people; she is also worried that if #3 does it again, that boy A might respond in kind therefore causing them both more problems than they need (I totally agree with this)

So, boy A's mother did NOT try to get #3 arrested. Boy B is an ass who is trying to stir up problems between boy A and #3. #3 has anger issues, does things without thinking, and lies to her mother.

I also found out, while talking to boy A's mother, that she did, indeed, see #3 while she was working on Sunday. However, not in the way that I was told by #3. Again with the lies! Seems that #3 was sitting on the wall next to the sidewalk on the opposite end of the shopping center from where the coffee shop is located. She did NOT have her coffee mug costume on. Boy A's mother had no idea that she was working and was concerned that she was there, sitting, alone, and wondered if I knew where and what she was doing.

My question is this - was #3 taking a break during her 3 hour work stint or was she fucking off and hiding when she was supposed to be working?

I WILL get to the bottom of this! I'm not having her cheat the coffee shop who is paying her damn good money to do a gravy job.

I'm seeing some not so good character traits coming out in #3 and I'm not anywhere close to being a happy camper. As a matter of fact, it depresses the hell out me.

I've already got a half-assed husband and it's becoming very clear that I'm on the verge of having a half-assed daughter as well.

Gee, it totally sucks to find out that the time I've spent trying to be a good person, wife, friend, and mother has been nothing but a waste.

Perhaps it's time I take a better look at myself. I'm clearly not as good at being any of those things as I thought I was. My relationships must be a reflection of myself and mirrors don't lie, do they?


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