Monday, October 02, 2006

My brain hurts or there's a Christmas tree in my driveway

Husband helped a friend move over the weekend. Friend moved from a house to an apartment so he didn't have room to take everything - some things he didn't WANT to take. These things he offered to husband.

Among the items - a nasty microwave. Those things are such a bitch to clean so I can't fault friend for just saying 'Fuck it'. I do that pretty much ever time I open mine.

He also brought home an aquarium with stand and filter and rocks and stuff. It had been empty for a while so all the lime and crap that forms after sitting for a while had formed. Went to Kroger and bought some Limeaway and # 2 got it sparkling clean and it's now filled - sans fish - in the livingroom. The light gives a much needed ambient light to the room. I'm not big on lighting that illuminates every dust bunny filled corner so I only have low light lamps sitting on the mantle piece. The aquarium light adds a bit more brightness to the other side of the room but not too much, you know. We decided on placing it in the livingroom instead of # 2's bedroom b/c she already has 2 - 20 gallon tanks and a 10 gallon tank. Since she's in an upstairs room and it's filled to the point of being ready to cave in, we thought it best not to put it there.

Last but not least - we're now the proud owners of a pre-lit Christmas tree. I've always wanted one of those - well, I've wanted one ever since husband declared "I HATE Christmas!" a few years ago when asked about putting up lights outside. Since then, either the girls and I put them around the porch or trees or simply forgo the the tradition altogether. As for decorating the tree - I don't even bother to ask him any more. Every Christmas it was my job to decorate the house and the porch railings - oh, and the cooking, baking, gift buying, wrapping, and sending the Christmas cards - his job was to put up the lights outside, set up the tree, and put the lights on it. The girls would then decorate the tree how ever they saw fit. For many years the tree only had decorations from the knee down but as they grew older, of course, the decorations moved on up the tree.

Well, husband decides that the new tree needs to 'air out' so he sets it up in the driveway. You know what I think? I think that he did that because he didn't want to bother trying to find a place to put the damn thing! Every nook and cranny of this house is filled with something and finding a spot for the new tree would involve moving shit around. He'd spent the entire weekend helping friend move so what more could be asked of him, right? Also, there's the sit-around-for-four-days-getting-drunk-while-watching-shit-burn-up-psuedo-cavers-get-together weekend this coming Thursday thru Sunday. He's got to save his energy for that, don't you know?

How long, you reckon, that tree will stay in the driveway? I should start a betting pool. My bet's on at least 2 weeks. Not saying it won't be longer but at least 2 weeks.

Here's a pic - oh, yeah - that's the outside of the house that still hasn't been stuccoed. Ya'll know the story so I'll just leave it at that.

As for why my brain, shit - you figure it out.


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