Friday, September 15, 2006


In keeping with his promise (to himself) to never let me in on his plans, husband planned his Saturday without a word to me. It seems that his cave group is putting together the incredibly large pile of logs they will be setting on fire for their gathering in October. He's signed on to help with a chainsaw. He contacted another caving friend to see if he wanted to go as well. The friend could not go as he had prior plans to take his mother out to dinner for her birthday.

I find out about all of this at 10:30pm last night.

Perhaps out of guilt or as a way to smooth it over with me, he lets me in on his plans and then asks if *I* would like to go. Now, I'm not a caver and I don't cut up shit with a chainsaw but I do so enjoy calling his bluff when it's obvious the answer he's looking for is no.

Not only did I say yes but I also talked # 2 into going as well. # 3 already has weekend plans. I also talked him into taking the rv - hell, if we're gonna have the damn thing the least we can do is use it from time to time!

Plus it's nice to know that STFBN will just HATE knowing that we're off, in the rv, enjoying ourselves. Yeah, that's bitchy of me but fuck it. She's an ass and a little nose-thumbing on my part is a well-deserved bit of satisfaction.

# 2 absolutely hates the rv. She's only even stepped foot into it twice. It's not the thing itself that she hates so much as it is her issues with her father's over the top fascination with the thing to the exclusion of all else.

The weather this week with its cool breezes and low humidity have put me in the mood to get out and enjoy the season's change. I just love the feel, the smell, and the colors of Fall. It's such a nice reprieve from the stifling heat and humidity of the Summer.

I think a change of venue, even for a short while, might be just what the doctor ordered. Perhaps I'll come home invigorated. Hey! It's possible!


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