Thursday, October 05, 2006

Quid Pro Quo - It's off I go!

Well, husband is off on his 4 day retreat. I've never had a 4 day weekend away - alone or otherwise - with the only expectation being that I will sit around a campfire, get drunk, stoned, eat, and sleep. Must be nice. God knows I sure could use one! It must be doubly nice to have that as a guaranteed, no matter what, I'm going if it hairlips the Pope plan, each and every year.

Now, that's what I call shittin' in high cotton!!!!

The kids are old enough now that I can begin to do things for myself and by myself. I no longer have to feel guilty for being 'selfish' for not including them, or husband, in my plans. I am free - well, free-er.

Which brings me to my point - Hawaii. I'm going. In a matter of weeks. Alone.

I have someone who can get me a greatly discounted ticket - ex-husband. And someone to stay with - free of charge - on the island of Oahu.

I've called to set it up and now it's just a matter of finding the right date. I'll need a ride to the airport so husband will need to be off that day to drive me.

Oh, he'll just LOVE that!

Aloha, asshole!


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