Monday, June 26, 2006

Alabama VS Tennessee

This post isn't about sports - not even close unless shooting off fireworks is considered a sport. Husband would probably make that argument.

We've always gone to Bama for our purchases of illegal pyrotechnics but since we were north of the border this weekend, getting things squared away with the rv, we killed 2 birds with 1 stone and made our purchases in the Volunteer State.

Our budget goal was $100 which we exceeded by $58 - thanks in part to a young man who proved to be VERY good at identifying his mark and sticking to them like glue!

His descriptions of the various products and their end result couldn't be resisted so we bought 2 and 3 of every one of his recommendations. Not to mention the fact that the individual prices were 2 to 3 dollars cheaper per colorful ball with loud report and sparkles.

Sorry, Bama, it might be a while before we see YOU again.

It should be quite a show here on the 4th!

Black gangs invade the Great White North

The NRA has been saying this all along - funny how some things are true whether or not you want them to be...

"The gun registry registers legal guns," said Toronto's deputy police chief, Tony Warr. "Gangsters don't register their guns." In a grim twist, gangs have been obtaining information about legal gun owners from the registry, and stealing caches of firearms from collectors.

Here's another truth...

But Canada's gang-related killings have gone up fourfold in a decade, along with the growth of gangs largely imported from the U.S. that attract what police and social workers describe as young black males from mostly West Indian immigrant families. And with the gangsta culture comes the guns.

As for those violent "gangs of young black males", you can keep them. They won't be missed by anyone here. I can't wait to hear how it goes once they all convert to Islam.

Welcome to OUR world, Canada!

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Crystal ball fails; wife gets screwed

As much as men don't understand women - that's how much I don't understand men. Well, my husband in particular. Grrr.....

He talked me into a weekend alone, with the RV, for our anniversary/his birthday weekend a month back. It was great. The weather was beautiful and we were sans kids for nearly 3 days and 2 nights. The nights were especially glorious! *wink*

We discuss plans to bring the behemoth home. Space - that's the problem. Yes, I got rid of the POS truck but that leaves his van, my van, and his car - plus the box on wheels. It was decided that we would do some concrete work on the driveway to widen it in strategic areas thus providing us enough room to park Noah style - 2 by 2.


Now all we have to do is to find the appropriate 3 day weekend to make the 4 hour trek to where it's parked at my parents. Well, we also have to have amassed the small fortune it will take to fix a problem with a sticking brake caliper and fill the fuel tank. Further discussion was agreed upon but never forthcoming. That was 2 weeks ago.

TONIGHT he says, "What time are we leaving on Friday?" To which I say, "We're leaving on Friday?"

He assures me that we HAD discussed going up on his next weekend off and I should have known! Well, I thought we were going to do some ciphering on the $money$ needed before deciding when to go! To which he chokes out, "I've been working and haven't had the time!" To which I think to myself, "Why the hell is he getting pissy about a plan that wasn't never a plan except in HIS head?"

THEN I find out that he's already talked to his sister and made some sort of plan with her new husband while we're in town. Ummm....THIS IS THE FIRST I'VE HEARD ABOUT THAT!

Well, in his usual style, when he knows he's fucked up but refuses to acknowledge it, he jumps up from the couch (his throne) and thuds downstairs with no intention of making any further comment.

Just damn!!!

I now have 2 days to wrap my head around a trip with 2 kids that don't want to go, studying my finances, and making plans with my parents. Shit!

Why can't we just sit and talk about these things instead of him always springing them on me - expecting my crystal ball to have informed me ahead of time???

Well, there goes our money for illegal fireworks for the 4th of July. Again.

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

So, where is the outcry from...

...the ACLU, Amnesty International, CAIR, moderate(spit)Muslims, and all those others who scream Geneva Convention every time some piece of shit (Muslim) issues a complaint (tells a lie) against OUR military men and women?

For those of you who don't know -

OUR military wears a uniform. OUR military goes to extreme measures to keep from killing civilians even when putting themselves at risk. OUR military takes classes on how to treat the Koran(terrorist Bible). OUR military allows POWs (Muslim asswipes) to wear religious garb and eat food deemed appropriate by Islam(religion of terrorists).

Those we are fighting do none of those things!

Here is what THEY do -

U.S. forces on Tuesday recovered the bodies of two American soldiers reported captured by insurgents last week. An Iraqi defense ministry official said the men were tortured and "killed in a barbaric way." Al-Qaida in Iraq claimed responsibility for killing the soldiers, and said the successor to terror leader Abu Musab al-Zarqawi had "slaughtered" them.

Wake the hell up! Screw winning the hearts and minds of barbaric peoples and those who support them! Let's start fighting this war like we want to win and get down to business!

Saturday, June 17, 2006

Highway from Hell!

I honestly don't know what to think about this. When I started listening to Neal Boortz a few years back, he was talking about a super highway cutting a swath across America from Mexico to Canada. I figured it was Boortz BS and never bothered to look into it. I mean, really, how ridiculous would something like that be?

Well, it seems that it's not only true but it's been around for a while. Have any of the MSM reported on this? Where's the outrage over our taxpayer dollars being spent for the purpose of bypassing our ports in order to bring in cheap goods from China?

No wonder the Senate doesn't want to enforce our borders. Their intention is to do away with them completely!

I'm sick to my stomach. I'm going to go throw up now.

Friday, June 16, 2006

The true Haditha

Michael Savage and Michelle Malkin call them the Pendleton 8.

I call them scapegoats of a pussified government. OUR government!

We are in a war.

Sometimes in war, innocents are killed.

However, there is nothing about Haditha that is innocent!

DVDs of beheadings on the bridge are distributed free in the souk. Children prefer them to cartoons. "They should not watch such things," said one grandfather, but parents appeared not to object.

One DVD features a young, blond muscular man who had been disembowelled. He was said to have been a member of a six-strong US sniper team ambushed and killed on August 1. Residents said he had been paraded in town before being executed.

Further into the article, this is found...

The constitution talks, the referendum due in October, the election due in December: all are deemed collaboration punishable by death. The task now is to bleed the Americans and destabilise the government. Some call that nihilism. Haditha calls it the future.

A plague upon the houses of all who call for an investigation into this so-called 'massacre'. You are but a rotting pile of offal! The Left-winged nut jobs (Murtha) and the MSM (crack ho's of the Left) are doing nothing but playing into the hands of terrorists who are spewing propaganda and stagging the killings of 'innocents'.

When you read the article, note the date - August 22, 2005. Mere months before the November 19th 'massacre' was said to have occurred.

I'm sorry but these trumped up charges just don't pass the sniff test when you see the true Haditha for what it is.

Oh yes, something here certainly stinks but it's not the actions of OUR men in uniform!

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

It's a good thing

With all the whinning from the MSM and the Dems, you'd think Bush's recent visit to Iraq wasn't a good thing. Well, you'd be wrong.

It seems that President Bush's visit to Baghdad has given more credibility for the operation; that at least was what I heard from people around me or read in Baghdad's papers today; the visit definitely left a positive impression that America is dead serious this time about finding solutions for Iraq especially when it comes to security and critical parts of reconstruction like electricity.

No one can predict how much time this new operation will take but time in this case is of little importance compared to accomplishing the objectives of the operation.

Read more here

Take this hijab and shove it!

I don't like any special interest groups. I especially don't like groups that try to force society to cater to THEIR needs instead of them finding a way to serve their own needs with as little impact as possible on the rest of us.

I propose that these people do what the Amish do - stay to themselves and leave the rest of us to live our lives as WE see fit. Open your own gyms and schools and pools. Better yet, move to a country that already does what you want!

Oh, and by the way, how's about you STFU!!!!

There's lots to celebrate today

As most people in the US know, today is Flag Day.

However, very few people know that today is also hailed as the Army's Birthday.

Known to even fewer people is the fact that today is # 1's birthday. She's now 26 years old and I feel every one of those years!

Friday, June 09, 2006

Let's eat pork chops in celebration!

“He's not pining, he's passed on. This boil on the arse of humanity is no more. He has ceased to be. He's expired and gone to meet his maker. He's a stiff, bereft of life, he rests in peace. If you hadn't have blown him to bits he'd be pushing up the daisies. He's rung down the curtain and joined all the other camel-fucking terrorist scum. This is an ex-boil on the arse of humanity!”
(my apologies to Monty Python)

Read about it here and rejoice!

Better yet, click here!

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

The REAL significance of today's date

Screw all that 666 crap. It's crap!

What the hell has happened to everyone's brain?????

Here is what everyone should be talking about.

Frankly, Scarlet, I DO give a damn!

I really have a lot to update on but with the girls being out for the summer and all 4 of us being home 3 days out of the week, there's just not enough hours in the day for me to get on here and talk.

I will tell you, though, that I spotted a spectacular bird today. I've lived in this house for 14 years and this is the first time I've ever seen this bird. It was glorious!

I sure hope I see him, or several of his friends, again!

****ETA - (06/15/06) I saw my Tanager again yesterday! He was posing in the backyard Mimosa tree like some avian supermodel. Flitting from branch to branch and showing me all his angles. Breathtaking little bugger.

Here's a better pic of him. There's also a wav file of his song but, unfortunately, it doesn't work. So don't bother. :(

Thursday, June 01, 2006

May's Porker of the Month - Sens. Cochran and Lott

Citizens Against Government Waste (CAGW) has named Mississippi Senators Thad Cochran (R) and Trent Lott (R) Porkers of the Month for adding $700 million for the “railroad to nowhere” to the Emergency Supplemental Appropriations Act of 2006 (H.R. 4929). The Senate’s version of the bill for operations in Iraq and Afghanistan and hurricane aid on the Gulf Coast costs $109 billion. President Bush requested $92.2 billion, and the House passed a $91.9 billion version in March. The “railroad to nowhere,” which would use taxpayer funds to purchase and replace a private rail line with a highway benefiting Gulf Coast casinos, is one of dozens of earmarks costing billions of dollars tacked onto the Senate bill. It comes on the heels of the controversy over the $223 million “bridge to nowhere” for Alaska in the 2005 Highway bill. For fattening the deficit, classifying an unnecessary project as “emergency” spending, and failing to learn the lessons of the infamous “bridge to nowhere,” Sens. Cochran and Lott are Co-Porkers of the Month for May 2006.

Read more about the Porker of the Month.