Tuesday, May 16, 2006

Moonbats on parade

5 years after September 11th, Bush decides to fulfill his promise to protect our borders.
WASHINGTON (AP) - President Bush said Monday night he would order as many as 6,000 National Guard troops to secure the U.S. border with Mexico...

The reaction to his announcement?
"People here have more important things to do then watch Bush," said Carlos Amado Luarca, a Dominican monk who works in the shelter. "This plan to send soldiers is one more sign of the decadence of the American empire."

Along the border in Nuevo Laredo, across from Laredo, Texas, Honduran Antonio Auriel said he would make it into the United States whatever was in his path.

"Soldiers in the border? That won't stop me. I'll swim the river and jump the wall. I'm going to arrive in the United States," Auriel said.

You know - I honestly can't tell who the biggest fucktards are in the illegal alien/border security debate.

Tuesday, May 09, 2006

Live a healthy life or the government will punish you

Folks, if this doesn't scare the shit out of you then you, my friend, are an idiot!

Here's just a sample to pique your interest -

Along these lines, some states have recently contemplated legislative moves to ban certain food advertising, impose higher taxation on so-called "junk foods" and alcohol, and restrict the sales of soda and other foods and beverages. NYC Health Commissioner Thomas Frieden believes that government should go even further in coercing Americans toward better health:

Saturday, May 06, 2006

Change is good; or so they say....

One of the biggest changes to take place this week is that the POS truck is no longer parked in the front yard. #3 had a classmate who wanted to buy it. He got himself a job, worked hard, and bought it with his 1st paycheck for $200. He and his brothers are going to have a great time getting it fixed up pretty and running. I'm happy for him.

Well, I was happy until husband wanted to know, 'Where the fuck's the truck?' I said that #3 told you she had a buyer, I told you that #2 & #3 were tired of waiting for work to be done on it, and I told him that he had never even bothered to look for a transmission for it in the 8 months that it's been an eyesore in the front yard.

He said, 'Yeah but I didn't give permission to sell it!' Door slam out. Door slam in. Door slam going downstairs. Angry yelling coming from the basement. I follow to find out exactly why he's pissed. Hell, I thought he would be happy because he wouldn't have to keep hearing, 'When are we gonna fix the truck, Dad?' Guess I was wrong.

He says that he could have sold it for $800 like it sat and that we got screwed. Ok.....we got screwed? First off, I never heard anything about an offer to buy it for $800. If it was offered, and he didn't take it, then he's an idiot and HE'S the one who screwed us. The thing wouldn't crank, the transmission was shot, and it looked like crap from years of sitting under trees long before we even bought it! And we only paid $100.

I felt bad for a while and then I got over it. I'm glad to not have it there as a reminder of yet another promise to do something for the girls that went unfulfilled.

Good riddance to bad rubbish I say!

The next biggest change that occurred this week is the total annihilation of a group of 13 friends I've been with for the past 3 years. We've shared everything with each other; even the deaths of 2 of our members. Everyone thought we were going to be friends forever.

Well, nothing lasts forever.

Guess it really is so that you can never truly know another person. In this case, 2 persons. Evidently what these 2 women did was to have bitch sessions with each other and talk about how THEY were the only supportive members of the group. With no word to anyone, they sent out an email pretty much saying, in the succinct way that Cartman would, 'Screw you guys. I'm going home!' I think it was more about them forming a bond that pretty much left everyone else out and they used the excuse of the other members 'not being there' for them as a reason to go their own way.

Good riddance to bad rubbish I say! Although I said that with tears in my eyes.

Well, nothing lasts forever and change IS good, right?

Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Snap out of it!

Went to the convenience store up the road yesterday for a small purchase. I noticed a note stating that gas would now be pre-paid. I asked the clerk what was going on to cause them to make the change. I mean, they only have 2 pumps!

She said that because of the gas prices, they were having mulitple, daily drive-offs. The worst thing, she said, was that it was mainly regular customers doing the driving-off!

The constant and continuing stupidity of people just never ceases to amaze me.

Our gas right now is $2.85 per gallon for regular. Just a few months ago it was fluctuating between $2.15 and $2.25.

Let's take the $2.25 amount and see how much more it costs right now to fill up a 20 gallon tank - um......the incredibly horrific, price-gouging total of $12.00!!!!!! OMG!!!!!!

Ok, people, I just have to say this - pay the store for the gas you just put into your tank and SHUT THE FUCK UP, you clueless, stupid, bunch of dumbasses!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I guarantee you that the fine you'll have to pay and the loss of income for the time off from work you'll experience during your incarceration will cost you more than a piddly $12.00.

Fucking morons! I spit on you all.

Non-stink cooking spray

#2 and I re-potted some plants yesterday. 2 of them ended up in the kitchen window. Today, the kitchen was overrun with 'piss' ants. That's what we, down here in the South, call picnic ants. I'm thinking the dirt had some unnoticed vermin that didn't make themselves known until they thought no one was looking.

They were all over the counter and in the window and when I saw them, I about had a cow!

I don't like the smell of insect spray even when it's potpourri scented. With the kids and the amount of animals we have, the smell isn't the only reason I don't buy/use it.

So then, what was I to do?

I had no idea but what I decided on was to grab the cooking spray and give it a whirl.

OMG! I've found gold!

Friends, it killed the little shits on contact, left no nasty, chemically smell, and was safe for the kids and pets.

I'm buying an extra can for the RV.

Fill 'er up!

Since no one seems to want to admit that supplying an education, health care, and under-waged jobs to illegals doesn't really cost the taxpayers anything - can we at least get a consensus on this!

I'm thinking THAT $2 million is real money and not Monopoly money.

This country is absolutely brimming over with fuckin', head-in-the-sand, dumbasses!

Monday, May 01, 2006

Nothing to see here. Move along.......

I've got 3 blog posts about my weekend and husband's visit with his RV saved to draft.

Why are they saved and not published, you ask?

Well, I made the mistake of telling a friend of mine that I was writing a blog. He asked me for the link. I gave it to him.

I have no idea if he's seen it or not but since I told him, I've had the darnedest time writing anything! It all sounds too bitchy or too stupid or too boring or 100 other things.

There was great comfort in the knowledge that no one I know was out there reading my typed out bunch of tripe. Having other people read it didn't bother me because I didn't know them and they didn't know me.

I should have kept my mouth shut. Now I'm all self-conscious and weird feeling.

Maybe I'll get lucky and he won't ever get around to reading it.......