Sunday, March 18, 2007

I REALLY need a new life!

I'm being walked all over and I can't figure out how to stop it!

#1 uses my car but never checks the oil. I had to take #2 to meet a friend yesterday (Saturday) and my valves were rattling so hard I'm sure the entire neighborhood could hear them! 2 quarts low. I went to get my spare quart from the back of my van - not there. Went to the garage where there is supposed to be a case of oil (because I bought it!) - empty. So I had to drive it up to the corner store and hope that the engine light didn't come on. It didn't. Whew!

I bought the last 2 cases of oil because husband doesn't bother to think about it. I ALWAYS keep a spare quart in my car but husband will take it because my car is closer to his than the garage is! And, he never replaces it for me.

I asked husband to talk to #1 about making sure she checks the oil when she uses the car. He didn't. Still hasn't.

#1 only has a cell phone and the number is long distance. She bought it when she lived in VA. #3 is staying with her. Her friends and work need to be able to reach her. So, they have one of my 3 satellite cordless phones to use across the street. It has intercom capability but they still just pop over whenever, do their laundry, dig around for food, or use the computer. Plus, we have to constantly ask her to get off of it so we can use it! Also, she has still not cleaned her abandoned former room and we can't do anything with it yet. The carpet needs to be taken out and the floor unsqueeked while it's empty or nothing will ever be done to fix it.

#1 refuses to apologize to the neighbors for the fence fiasco. She says that's 'not her'. That she 'doesn't do that sort of thing'. I blew up at husband about how all this could have been avoided had they done what I asked and spoken to the neighbor before hand. Which they laughed off and told me not to worry about - they've got it handled. In reality, I'm the only one who had NOTHING to do with the fence and yet am the ONLY one to have apologized! Husband said that he would go over with #1 and together they would deal with it. Didn't happen. He spent the day with his friend B and didn't get home until after dark. Today, I awake to find that he's gone to B's again. He doesn't get home until after dark.

I find out from B's wife that they had gone caving. I find out from #2 that he had invited her and her boyfriend to go but then left this morning without ever bothering to ask her what they had decided. Needless to say, she was a bit put out.

#3 tells me that she needs some new pants and asks if we can go shopping Friday as they're off from school. No problem. That day, I buzz her on the phone to ask what time she'll be ready to go. Oh, she says, let's do it another day, I have friends coming over. Saturday she waltzes over here and tells me that she wants to go shopping for clothes with her friends but that the bank won't give her any money without me there so, would I give her $100 and she'll repay me. I told her no and that had we gone shopping as planned, she wouldn't have had to worry about the money because I was going to buy them for her. I'm still responsible for her and that doesn't change just because she's living across the street with her sister. She's not happy and asks her dad. I don't know what he said but I'm sure it was something along the lines of 'I don't know nothing about no money, Mz Scarlett!'. Which is true. If I died tomorrow he wouldn't have a clue as to what to do b/c that's a task he's put solely upon my shoulders. Money and bills - he doesn't want to hear about them. If there's money in the bank to buy stuff for the RV or for caving, he'll take it and then get pissy with me when I ask him where the hell it went b/c I've got to pay the bills! He shrugs and grunts and ignores the question.

So - what the hell am I doing here???

The only person who still respects me, my stuff, and my time is #2. Wonder how much longer that will last?

Sorry if this post doesn't make sense - it's pretty much train of thought so I could get it all out - or most of it, anyway.

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Peace offering?

Normally, if I have a problem or dilemma, I can find a solution. In this case - not so much.

#1 was talking to STFBN and her hubby a couple of days ago about the dogs that belong to the neighbor in between them. They bark non-stop any time people are outside. STFBN said that Home Depot has these bamboo 'hurricane' fences and that they were going to buy some and put them up on their fence closest to the dog neighbors. They suggested that she could do the same.

Husband goes to the store with #1 to buy the fencing and then the two of them put it up - ATTACHING IT TO THE DOG NEIGHBOR'S FENCE! I kid you not!

I go over (#3 had told me what they did) and tell the both of them that that was NOT even close to cool and to go talk to the neighbors right this fucking moment! The response - #1 says don't worry about it. Husband says 'It's better to ask forgiveness than permission.' Isn't that a quote from that stupid dragon movie, Eragon? What a couple of idiots!

Well, the next morning #1 wakes up only to find the fencing rolled up and placed on her deck. I personally think that was the nicest way the neighbors could have told her to FUCK OFF and I give them soooo much credit for not hacking it into pieces with a machete and then telling her to shove the pieces up her ass! Which is what I would have done. Uh, still not kidding. I totally would have done that.

At this point, any person with half a brain would know that it's time to stick their tail between their legs and beg for forgiveness for being a totally rude dumb ass. Um, not #1. She thinks I'm making too much out of it and thinks I'm nuts for wanting her to apologize face to face.

I'm sorry but that's not the way to win friends and influence neighbors, my dear, darling, obviously retarded daughter! Husband says nothing to me when I bring it up and go off about it.

I walk over today to do some damage control with neighbor. He's VERY nice about it and I apologize profusely and totally cover husbands ass after neighbor tells me that his wife thought that husband did it but he tell her 'No! He would never do anything like THAT!'

God I'm sick of making him look good! I actually threw up a little as I reassured him that no, husband had nothing to do with it; that it was a case of #1 getting an idea into her head and not thinking before going through with a plan. Totally covering HER ass as well!

Long story coming to a close -

I call and tell #3 (who's at #1's house) to tell #1 that I need to talk to her. #1 said she didn't want to talk about it and for #3 to lock the doors when she left to do laundry over here so 'no uninvited guests' (me) would come over. Guess she forgot I've got a key?

I need mayo so I go to the store. I decide that I'm going to take the bull by the horns and tell #1 exactly what to do and how to do it. I buy a 6-pack of Budweiser Select (don't know what kind of beer neighbor drinks but who don't like Bud, right?) and an Entennmann's package of Super Cinnamon Buns. I chose the buns because they are sealed in a box (not contaminated by weird daughter of neighbor's hands) and who doesn't like cinnamon rolls, right? Told #3 to take them across the street and tell #1 to take them to the neighbors and apologize.

#1 said, "Mom's screwed in the head and I'm not doing that!" and #3 brings them back home. They are now sitting on my table.

And I'm scratching my head on what, if anything, to do next.

I don't even know who to blame. I think I blame husband for setting a bad example and allowing things to get to where they are. But I also think I blame #1 for being a know-it-all-you-can't-tell-me-what-to-do BITCH!

Actually, I do know this - they both suck and I wish I could beat them with a baseball bat until they no longer resemble anything that could point back in my direction when their greasy spots are investigated by the authorities!!!!

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

February Porker of the Month

A few days late but better late than never, right!

CAGW Names Rep. Collin Peterson Porker of the Month

Washington, D.C. - Citizens Against Government Waste (CAGW) today named House Agriculture Committee Chairman Collin Peterson (D-Minn.) Porker of the Month for his hostility toward agriculture policy reform.

Although the primary justification for agriculture policies has always been that they are necessary to protect “small family farmers,” subsidies overwhelmingly go to the largest farmers and agribusinesses. According to the Environmental Working Group, between 1995 and 2005, the largest 4 percent of farms garnered half of commodity subsidy payments, while the largest 10 percent pulled in 73 percent. Many of these farmers have net worths exceeding $2 million. The subsidies drive up land prices and put smaller farmers out of business. Present farm policy is a case of Robin Hood in reverse that devastates rural communities.

President Bush’s 2007 farm bill proposal would eliminate subsidy payments to individuals with an adjusted gross income of $200,000 or more. In truth, the proposal does not go far enough and leaves intact the overall payment limitation of $360,000, which should also be lowered. Even modest reform is too much for Rep. Peterson, who thinks agriculture would be “better off not having any payment limits at all” (Western Farm Press, 2/7/07).

Farm subsidies raise prices for consumers, encourage farming on environmentally sensitive land, undercut subsistence farmers in developing countries, and invite retaliatory tariffs that hurt U.S. producers of non-subsidized commodities. The farm program is simply a massive transfer of wealth from taxpayers and consumers to the wealthy, politically-connected producers of a handful of crops

Check out the site for the rest of the article.

Sunday, March 04, 2007

Birthday Bashed

It's been a while since I vented. Partly because I haven't had the time and partly due to my lack of motivation. So much has been going on that I find it very difficult to process it all into anything that makes sense.

#1 has been here for 2 weeks. In that time things have been bought, painted, taken down, moved, replaced, and repaired.

Before she arrived home I was a fount of wisdom, a helper, a shoulder. Since she arrived, I'm a bother, a pain in the ass, an irritant. Most days I barely get spoken to and then only to tell me that she doesn't need to hear anything I'm saying.

Husband and I have called in favors from friends and neighbors to help her with things that we just can't do by ourselves. Her words say she's thankful but her actions say she's bored and uninterested. Just get it done and leave me alone her attitude screams.

#2 has stayed out of the fray. She knows better than to bother getting in the middle and being bitch-slapped for having an opinion that's contrary to that of #1's.

#3 is moving in with #1. I honestly thought it would make things better. She's only just across the street after all. However, she plays to the crowd and when her friends are near, everyone else is a piece of shit to be scraped from her shoe.

Today she asked #2 (who has plans for #3's vacated room) to put her things in bags and she'll come get them and that will make things go quicker. #2 is more than glad to help things move along. There is no love lost between the 2 and the sooner they have their own street-divided space, the better for everyone. At least on paper.

#3 came to get some stuff; #2 was in her room gathering her things together as asked. #3 brought friends to help. #3 screams at her sister to get the hell out of 'her' room to which her sister responded by throwing a partially full garbage bag at her. To which #3 responds to by throwing a BOWLING BALL at her sister! The 2 then embraced each other in a death grip on the with claws fully extended. To which husband responds with a choke hold to pull off the sister on top which happened to be #3!

There was blood. Sweat. Tears. Yelling. Screaming.

I calmed myself down by crying and staring at a half-played game of Free Cell. I was shaking too hard to play; not to mention the fact that I couldn't believe how things went from fine to fucked in a matter of mere moments. This was to have been the evening of my birthday dinner. Everyone was home at the same time and we had plans to eat Mexican food!!!! I had showered in anticipation. Unfortunately before I could even get out of my post shower attire and into clothes, the smack-down was on and the course of events turned decidedly due South.

I need something for my soul so I went in search of a hair cut. The only hair place open on Sundays turns out,unfortunately, to be Great Clips. Who, by the way, only charges you $13 for a cut but if you want it blow dried so your hair doesn't freeze up and fall off in the winter temps, they charge you an extra $19!

How weird is it that they charge more for something that any idiot without a licence can do than for something you have to pay to be taught??????? Where the hell is the logic in that!?! It must be that they simply want to herd you in like cattle, chop off the offending hair, have you pay, and then kick your ass out the door. Actually doing something with the hair they just cut could possibly accentuate the fact that you just got a piss-poor hair cut and they don't fucking want you to know that until the next damn day when it's too late to complain about it!!!!!!!!!

I told them to shove it and left.

I went bra shopping at Penny's. Half off sale. I went down a size for having the good sense to buy Bali instead of some no-name brand they sell at K-Mart. That was an unexpected pick-me-up and totally appreciated.

My purchase was made at exactly 6pm - mall closing time. So I went and bought myself a French Vanilla convenient store cappuchino and some scratch offs which yeilded nothing. Went home. Checked the machine. Husband had left a message that said "Call me!". I did. He and #2 were waiting for me at the Mexican restaurant if I'd care to join them. I did. Turns out they had gone looking for me in all the places I might be in hopes of fulfilling our plans for a birthday dinner.

They made my day.