Wednesday, April 12, 2006

To RV or not to RV - that is the question

A friend mentioned to me that husband found it curious that I wasn't more excited about the money-hungry gift of the RV.

That got me to thinking - why wasn't I excited about it?

I know it's more than my despise of his parents. Although, I do think, in the back of my mind somewhere, that has a lot to do with it. Something along the lines of 'you've never done anything remotely generous for him (us) why this and why now?'

So, the more I thought about it, the deeper into my head I got. Then the real question finally dawnes on me - why is it, exactly, that HE is so excited about it?

Yeah, on the surface it seems like that question should have an easy answer - until you understand how husband relates to us, his family.

Being on a trip in an RV requires being in close and continuous contact with your travel companions. Husband doesn't even like that scenario when he's home so why would he think that doing that in a freight container on wheels would be more to his liking?

Husband works every-other weekend on a 2 on, 3 off schedule which means that he's home during the week 3 days. The 3 weekdays he's home, I'm home, and #2 & #3 are at school. In a perfect world, that would mean that we would have all the time in the world to talk about things, find solutions to ongoing problems - with us and with our house/finances - and/or to rekindle the spark that seems to have slowly died out during the past 22 yrs.

Unfortunately, all that time alone together has accomplished nothing except to breed contempt. Despite my countless attempts to gather him into the fold of family togetherness and efforts to make him understand that being a husband and father is far more than bringing home a paycheck, he resists at every turn to actually communicate with any of us.

He has no interest except HIS interests and they rarely involve any of us. He's a solitary creature and no efforts to mold him into anything else have been anywhere close to successful.

I find that his days spent lying on the couch, watching programs that hold no interest for anyone but him, and his ignorance of the daily goings-on, to be the equivalent of him thumbing his nose at me. In effect, saying ' Look at me, lying here, ignoring you all. I am not interested in any of you and I will always refuse to acknowledge you. You will NOT make me do anything that I don't want to do and my behavior shall be a constant reminder to you of that fact!'

So, back to his expectations that I should be more excited at the prospect of spending more time, in much closer proximity to him in a traveling tin can - my response is as follows...

Go screw yourself you clueless fucktard!


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