Monday, August 07, 2006

Help Wanted: Must be willing to kick some serious ass!

I've come to a very difficult decision. I've decided to let go of STFBN and view her only as a neighbor. That's going to be very hard for me b/c I've known and been through lots of tough times with her. Not to mention the fact that I totally love her husband - he's just a great person and I'll miss him dearly.

No bigger truth in life has been revealed to me than the meaning of the old saying, 'A friend in need is a friend indeed'.

Until you're totally dependent upon the help and support of friends and family, that saying means less than nothing.

When you do, though, it becomes crystal clear and it will turn your view of the world and of people upside down.

Not one phone call to check on me in over a month and the bitch lives a few hundred yards across the street! It's not like she could even claim that 'Out of sight; out of mind' had taken her over. It's not like she was too far away to help or a phone call would be a long-distance charge that she just couldn't afford right now.

Screw her. I'm tired of being there for someone that can't take a minute out of her day to care if I need anything. Be it a beer, a laugh, or a sympathetic ear.

She's obviously not worth my time or my tears.

God knows that I am more than capable enough of making myself miserable without relying on her to do it for me!

Now, to find someone to kick my ass if I go back on my resolution. Anyone up for the job? All takers will be considered.

Hell - I'll hire EVERYONE who applies!

The lines are now open and ready to receive your calls.


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